Camping & Outdoor Promotions Tony Smart Council Camping Chair
Role of the Camping Chair Help build strong units Encourage Summer Camp Attendance Promote Year Round Camping Provide Resources Request Feedback
Yesterday to Tomorrow District Camping Chair Role Camping Campaign Just a Seat on Committee to Driving Force to stronger units Camping Campaign Four Month Push to Year Round Campaign Word of Mouth to Marketing Resources
Why Camp Attendance fuels: Membership Advancement Retention Advancement Financial Operations* First Hand Experience Promotes Awareness to adults
And now for the numbers…
Adventure Camp – Percentage of Cub Scouts attending Summer Camp
District Day Camps – Percentage of Cub Scouts attending Summer Camp
Belzer Day Camp – Percentage of Cub Scouts attending Summer Camp
All Summer Camps – Percentage of Cub Scouts attending Summer Camp
Ransburg - # of youth attending summer camp
Ransburg - % of our Scouts attending summer camp
Krietenstein - # of youth attending summer camp
Krietenstein - % of our Scouts attending summer camp
Course Corrections Organized and conducted Focus Group Feedback on our Summer Camps in the Fall To be continued Marketing and Promotions Plan and Strategy have been reviewed and modified by a Marketing Taskforce We have a seat at the table
Course Corrections Engaged leadership from Order of the Arrow and Firecrafter to help promote Phon-a-thon Sunday, January 8, 2017
Action Plan New Year Round Camping Campaign Marketing Collaboration Order of the Arrow and Firecrafter Support Education on the value Scout Camp versus other summer time activity Value proposition
Where the District Chair Comes In Recruit an active District Camping Chair Promote Summer Camps and Year Round Camping Educate on the importance of the Outings and Programs Encourage camp usage
Where the District Chair Comes In Provide Resources: Camperships Marketing Material Use Your Resources: Order of the Arrow Firecrafter Council Camping Chair Celebrate participation
And if we do what we say….