Ranked 21 in LTA National Open Women’s rankings (11/03/2016) Louise Holtum One of UK’s leading non full-time tennis players. Going full-time in June Ranked 21 in LTA National Open Women’s rankings (11/03/2016) Predicted 2:1 BSc (Hons) Mathematics and Sports Science Graduate June 2016
Louise Holtum Age 21 Ranked 22 in LTA UK National Open Women’s rankings (County number 1) One of top 3 to 5 players ranked in UK not playing full-time* Won 3 British Tours since September 2015 Gold medallist for doubles and bronze medallist for singles in British Universities and Colleges National competition 2016 GB university students squad** All of above achieved whilst in full-time education Graduates from Loughborough University in June 2016 in Mathematics & Sports Science (predicted grade 2:1) Going full-time in June *estimate ** reserve
Opportunity and Benefits Combination of playing international tennis and obtaining a degree in a highly academic subject like Maths is almost unique With the right support there is scope for significant improvement in Louise’s game. She has never played full-time and has far fewer tennis hours behind her than many much younger players. She has outstanding enthusiasm and work ethic and an injury free record. This is an opportunity to be closely associated with a player who demonstrates that you can complete your education to degree level and play international tennis. This is high profile issue in sport and tennis in particular could create many opportunities for the right sponsors. This potentially gives high profile exposure in both National and International competitions as well as social media.
Contact Details Email: louise.holtum@hotmail.co.uk Mobile: 07726350178 Twitter: @louise_holtum