Peptic ulcers. A, The stomach is opened and laid flat, revealing several large punched-out gastric ulcers. B, A cross-section of a peptic ulcer, illustrating the four layers: fibrin (black arrowhead), neutrophils (black arrow), granulation tissue (white arrowhead), and fibrosis (white arrow). C, A duodenal peptic ulcer that has perforated the wall, producing peritonitis. The liver is cirrhotic (an incidental finding unrelated to the duodenal peptic ulcer). A, Courtesy of Dr. Jill Urban, Dallas County Medical Examiner's Office, Dallas, TX. B, Hematoxylin and eosin, 200×. Source: Chapter 14. Gastrointestinal Pathology, Pathology: The Big Picture Citation: Kemp WL, Burns DK, Brown TG. Pathology: The Big Picture; 2008 Available at: Accessed: October 19, 2017 Copyright © 2017 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved