Warm-Up Explain why this joke is funny-
Salty Eights Game Deal eight cards to each player and place the rest in the draw pile. On your turn you must put down an ionic compound, a noble gas or draw from the pile until you can. Play until one person has used all their cards Keep score on the worksheet you picked up Write in ALL the required information including the name of the compound you made!
Magnet Word Summary What is a magnet? A Greek philosopher named Democritus said that all atoms are small, hard particles. He thought that atoms were made of a single material formed into different shapes and sizes. What would be some “magnet words” from this reading?
DEMOCRITUS Now find some supporting words Atoms Single material Different shapes and sizes Now put it all together into a summarizing sentence! Democritus thought that atoms were made of a single material that comes in different shapes and sizes.
Salty Eights If you sit on the left side of the table you will be reading section 1- Predicting Chemical Formulas- and creating a magnet word summary If you sit on the right side of the table you will be reading section 2- Naming Ionic Compounds- and creating a magnet word summary
On your white board- Ionic Compound Names! 1) NaBr 2) CaO 3) Li2S 4) potassium iodide aluminum chloride MgBr2 sodium nitrate magnesium hydroxide