Recordings Conversation Charts
Directions Sign on to computer while your partner picks up a microphone from Sra. Kermode. Do not fully unwind the microphone cord when plugging it in to the front of your computer (next to where the headphones go). Open audacity AFTER you’ve plugged in your microphone. Click the record button (red circle) to test your microphone. If your microphone does not work, raise your hand and wait for Mrs. Kermode to help you, or ask another student to check that you’ve done the instructions correctly so far.
Using Audacity Hit the red circle to start and the yellow square to stop recording. Click anywhere on your recording and push the play button to play from the that spot. To delete, you can either click the x button on the left hand side of the screen (will delete entire audio track) or you can click and highlight the portion of your recording that you would like to delete.
Recordings Must: Begin with your names. Person A should speak first, then Person B. You should say “Me llamo Spanish first name Real last name Record your conversation. One student should speak part A and the other Part B. Turn in your written conversation to Sra. Kermode when you are done. Be sure both you and your partner have written your names on it (Spanish first name and real last name). DO NOT EXIT AUDACITY OR SAVE YOUR WORK UNTIL WE HAVE REVIEWED HOW TO SAVE TOGETHER.
Saving Audacity Recordings Click File Click Export From the dropdown menu, choose the folder with your Student ID number Double click “Desktop” to open it. Type in the File Name: Spanish first names for both partners Click Save THEN…. DON’T EXIT AUDACITY YET!!!
Submitting on Canvas Sign in to Canvas. Go to your Beginning Spanish course Open the Assignment “Conversation Chart Recording” Click Submit Click on Media Click Record/Upload Media Click Upload Media Click Select Audio File Find your saved file under desktop in your student ID folder and select it (click open) Click Submit Assignment
You will see a pop-up saying your assignment was submitted successfully! NOW you may exit Audacity. You may choose to practice either alphabet or greetings/goodbyes/feelings with your online review sheet. Remember – we are having a quiz on these topics soon!