Parent Information night WELCOME! Back-to-School-Night (2016-2017) Mrs. Gisonna 1st grade Room # 10 Parent Information night
Welcome to 1st Grade! This is an important year for you and your child. We want to remind you that this is not the time to ask or talk about your child. It is strictly an information session about 1st grade and Room #10. This PowerPoint will provide you with an overview of first grade and our routines and expectations. If you have any questions please write them down on a “post-it” and place them in the “Parking Lot” as you leave tonight.
All About Me I currently reside in Bridgewater, however, grew up in Gillette and attended Watchung Hills Regional High School in Warren, NJ. I went to The University of Rhode Island and received a Bachelor of Science Degree in Elementary Education. I then furthered my education and received a Masters Degree in Early Childhood Ed. (Advanced Curriculum and Teaching) from Kean University in Union, NJ. This is my 13th year teaching at West End. My hobbies include, going to the gym, shopping, going to the beach, and spending quality time with friends and family.
We will be learning many wonderful things this year! We will cover all the subjects and topics that our state and school district believe are important for your child to learn during 1st grade. We will be using several new programs this year to address the Common Core Standards. *play video*
We follow the University of Chicago Everyday Math Program. Spiral approach Hands-on learning Games Explorations Differentiated Instruction (Readiness, Reinforcement, Enrichment) Refer to Unit parent letters for support
This year we will be focusing on… READING This year we will be focusing on… Shared Reading (class reads together) Read Alouds (teacher reads) Guided Reading (reading in small leveled groups with teacher support) Buddy Reading (reading in pairs) Independent Reading (students read alone) One-on-one conferencing with teacher based on individual goals Listen to Reading (computers, headphones and Raz-Kids) Raz-Kids info for home use: username: kkarl1 (each child has a different picture assigned for their password)
Phonics/Words Their Way Phonetic approach to word building and decoding Use of word sorts to help identify spelling patterns instead of memorization Students work independently, or in small groups with teacher support DOLCH Sight Word practice (words that appear frequently that cannot be sounded out…memorization)
We will be focusing on the following areas in 1st grade… Writing We will be focusing on the following areas in 1st grade… Organization Handwriting Ideas and Content Narrative Opinion Informational Grammar Word choice/Vocabulary Sentence fluency
This year we are focusing on… SOCIAL STUDIES This year we are focusing on… My class/My Community (Citizenship) Cultural Traditions New Jersey Making Changes: past & present Anti-bullying/Respect Character Education
Note: Social Studies and Science are both effort grades This year we will be focusing on… Physical Science: Motion & Energy, Matter Earth Science: Earth, Weather & Sky Life Science: Plants and Animals Note: Social Studies and Science are both effort grades
Specials Monday- Gym 1:30-2:00 Tuesday- Library/Book Exchange 1:45-2:30 Wednesday- Computers 9:30-10:00 - Health 1:30-2:00 Thursday-Art 1:45-2:30 Friday- Music 1:30-2:00 - Gym 2:00-2:30
First Grade Information Snack- Please make sure your child has a HEALTHY snack everyday. Lunch this year is at 12:15 so snack will be around 10:00. We will have snack on 4-hour days! Birthdays- Birthdays will be celebrated during snack time. Please feel free to send in a treat, juice boxes, and some napkins. Please no cake or candles! Also, please be aware that we have peanut allergies in our classroom. Report Cards- Report cards are sent home four times a year- November, January, April, & June.
Parent Teacher Conferences Parent-Teacher Conferences will be held November 17th-21st . Please make sure you signed up on the clipboard to reserve a convenient meeting time. I have included several mornings and one late evening on my schedule to hopefully accommodate everyone! Please be aware that these are all 4-hour days. School ends at 12:25 and your child still needs a snack on these days. A reminder will be sent home regarding your specific day and time of conference.
Homework Journal Please be sure to check and sign your child’s homework journal each night. Please help your child complete their homework and feel free to write me notes in the homework journal as well. Please check the behavior calendar/folder each night which will be colored based on your child’s behavior color for that day (correlates with our clip chart). Please write the title of the book your child reads each night in the HW journal.
(Words Their Way lists/spelling tests will begin later this year) Homework Children will have homework each night to practice skills and reinforce concepts learned at school. Please provide a quiet place and time for your child to do his/her homework each afternoon or evening. Frequent late or “lost” homework will affect your child’s grades. If your child does not have time to complete a particular homework assignment due to family commitments, please write a note to me and I will allow extra time. Students DO have extra time to make up missed work due to an absence. Homework is given each night except for Fridays! There is usually one or two papers. Some common assignments are: Phonics, Math, Sight Words, Spelling, Reading, Grammar, and Family Homework! (Words Their Way lists/spelling tests will begin later this year)
Grading Grading is based on assessments, homework, class work, observations, participation, and special projects. First graders still have a developmental report card, therefore, you will not see percentages on assessments. Our report card is based on a number scale (1-4) which will be discussed in further detail at parent-teacher conferences in November. Classwork is marked with check marks or stars All classwork will be sent home on Fridays in a “Friday Folder”. Please keep the work, sign, and date the folder so I know it has been reviewed. Then, send the folder back to school every Monday.
Whole Brain Teaching (WBT) Whole Brain Teaching is a research based system that targets all areas of the brain, keeps children engaged and helps them retain much more information than the traditional teacher lecture. Research has shown that children retain more information when they have an opportunity to put it into their own words and use gestures to highlight key instructional points. Furthermore, it’s super fun! For more information about Whole Brain Teaching please visit:
Please help your child be on time to school!! It is very important your child comes to school on time! Students are marked late if they arrive after 8:30 am. Excess tardiness will be addressed by the office! Please do NOT drop your child off before 8:00 am, unless they are enrolled in the breakfast program. It is also very important that your child is picked up after school promptly at 2:35 pm. I walk the children outside but often have after school responsibilities and obligations. If your child's ride is NOT on time, he/she will be sent to the library and can be picked up there. This is the safest option, thanks for your help!
Let’s Have A Great Year!
Please take an active role in your child’s education: -Join PTA Please take an active role in your child’s education: -Join PTA. -Help your child become responsible for him/herself. -Read to and with your child. -Play with your child. -Attend school functions. -Ask your child about school. -Get to know other parents. -DON’T hesitate to talk to your child’s teacher. Thank you in advance for your support and dedication, I anticipate a wonderful school year!