University of Kaiserslautern …always ahead!
Centrally located
History 1970: Founding of the twin Universities of Trier and Kaiserslautern the only technology and science oriented University in Rhineland-Palatinate second largest distance learning University in Germany
Location advantages attractive range of disciplines with numerous study options excellent quality of research and study one of the six winners in the German-wide competition “Exzellenz der Lehre (“Excellence in Teaching”) the University of Kaiserslautern as well as the institutes IESE, ITWM, DKFI and ITA are two-time winners in the BMBF’s (German Federal Ministry of Education and Research) Top Cluster Contest
Location advantages Reputable research centers located on campus Modern, manageable campus university
Location advantages excellent student-teacher ratio practical experience through internships and periods abroad future-oriented courses of study wide range of leisure and sporting facilities, variety of cultural options reasonable costs of living
Data, figures and facts 12 departments offering 100 study programs about 14,600 students about 2,200 employees (including the professors and research assistants) area: 36 ha (about 94 acres)
Departments Architecture Biology Business Studies and Economics Chemistry Civil Engineering Computer Science
Departments Electrical and Computer Engineering Mathematics Mechanical and Process Engineering Physics Spatial and Environmental Planning Social Sciences
State Research Centers (CM)² – Center for Mathematical and Computational Modelling development, application and improvement of mathematical models in the engineering sciences and in further applications OPTIMAS – Center for Optics and Material Sciences dedicated to combine optics and material sciences under the research themes of spin-light-matter
State Research Units Advanced Materials Engineering (AME) – Development and use of new materials Ambient Systems (AmSys) – studies and develops ambient applications for the area of medicine as well as for productive and leisure time activities
State Research Units BioComp – Complex Data Analysis in Life Sciences and Biotechnology Nanostructured Catalysts (NanoKat) - A more efficient use of raw materials
State Research Units HiPerCon – High Performance Composite Constructions Center for Commercial Vehicle Technology (ZNT) – Interdisciplinary research and technology transfer
Priority research Fields - High Potential Cognitive Science Coordination of Value Co-Creation Service Networks (CoVaCo) Wood-Engineering – Center for Wood Architecture and materials for timber contructions Region and City
DFG Collaborative Research Centers CRC/TRR 88 3MET – Cooperative effects in homo- and heterometallic complexes (since 2011) CRC/TRR 173 Spin+X – Spin its collective environment (since 2016) CRC/TR 49 Condensed Matter Systems with Variable Many-Body Interactions (since 2007)
DFG Collaborative Research Centers CRC/TRR 175 The Green Hub – Central coordinator of acclimation in plants (since 2016) CRC/TRR 185 OSCAR – Open System Control of Atomic and Photonic Matter (since 2016) CRC 926 MICOS – Component Surfaces: Microscale Morphology of component Surfaces (since 2011) CRC/TR 195: Symbolic Tools in Mathematics an their Application
International research teams (DFG/JST) FOR 967 „Functions and mechanisms diversity of ligands of the ribosomal tunnel exit“ (since 2008) FOR 1061 „Dynamic storage functions of plant vacuoles“ (since 2008) FOR 1464 „Advanced Spintronic Materials an Transport Phenomena“ (since 2010)
DFG-Research Training Groups GRK 1932 "Stochastic Models for Innovations in the Engineering Sciences" (since 2014) Graduate program for Computer Sciences
DFG-International Research Training Groups IRTG 1830 (int. Research Training Group) "Complex Membrane Proteins in Cellular Development and Disease" (since 2012) IRTG 2057 „Physical Modeling for Virtual Manufacturing Systems and Processes“ (since 2014)
DFG Priority Programmes SPP 1486 “Particles in Contact – Micromechanics, Microprocess Dynamics and Particle Collectives” (since 2010) SPP 1489 "Algorithmic and Experimental Methods in Algebra, Geometry and Number Theory" (since 2010) SPP 1538 "Spin Caloric Transport (SpinCaT)" (since 2011, cooperation)
DFG Priority Programmes SPP 1608 „Ultrafast and temporally precise information processing: normal and dysfunctional hearing“ (since 2012) SPP 1740 “Reactive Bubbly Flows” (since 2014 cooperation)
Science Alliance Kaiserslautern e.V. The University of Kaiserslautern, the University of Applied Sciences Kaiserslautern, eleven renowned research institutes and research-oriented institutions, six companies as well as numerous supporting members have joined forces to form the Science Alliance Kaiserslautern e.V.
Fraunhofer - Institutes Fraunhofer Institute for Experimental Software Engineering (IESE) Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Mathematics (ITWM) Fraunhofer Institute for Physical Measurement Techniques – Department Materials Characterisation and Testing (IPM)
Institutes Max-Planck-Institute for Software-Systems (MPI) German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) Institute for Surface and Thin Film Analysis (IFOS) Institute for Composite Materials (IVW)
Institutes Research Institute for Technology and Work (ITA)
Service facilities Foundation Office TU and FH Day nursery (KiTa) Future in Kaiserslautern (ZiRKL) eTeaching Service Center (eTSC) Patent Information Center (PIZ) Nano Structuring Center
Service facilities Studierendenwerk Innovations Management GmbH (IMG) Information and Technology Transfer Office (RTI) Uni-Shop (VKB e.V.)