Junior Class Presentation Class of 2019 Junior Class Presentation
Tracy High School counselors A-D Miss. Jessica Escobedo jescobedo@tusd.net E-J & AVID Mrs. Gloria Miller gmiller@tusd.net K-P Miss. Kamara Brown kamarabrown@tusd.net Q-Z Mrs. Sharie Carey scarey@tusd.net
Tracy High School Counseling Department Counseling Secretary Mrs. Danielle Brightenstine dbrightenstine@tusd.net College/Career Readiness Center Coordinator Mrs. Maria Arce marce@tusd.net Registrar Mrs. Lisa McMahon lmcmahon@tusd.net
Time to Review your academic status What is your current GPA? Are you on track to graduate? Do you know what credits are needed to graduate?
What Information is on my transcript? Includes credits/classes taken for four semesters, juniors should have completed a minimum of 100 credits to be “on track” for graduation. Includes current class schedule for junior year Includes Grade Point Average(GPA); weighted/non-weighted Includes class rank **Your transcript is a legal document so please review the information for errors: (name, address, phone#, birth date, etc.) and report errors to the Counseling Secretary, Mrs. Brightenstine, in the Counseling Office.
Tracy High School Graduation Requirements English…………………….. 40 credits Social Science …………… 30 credits Math ……………………….. 20 credits Science…………………….. 30 credits Art/Modern Language… 10 credits P.E. ………………………….. 20 credits Electives …………………… 70 credits Total ………………………… 220 credits
Junior Graduation Status Letter Review Junior Letter Sign the bottom of the letter English teacher will collect letter Juniors will keep their transcript for future reference Junior Graduation Status letter will be given to parent
How To Make Up Credits ? If you are behind in credits, you may be able to attend one of the following: Adult School: attend one night, per class, weekly. Cyber High: attend class daily for zero period. **To enroll in Adult School or Cyber High, contact your counselor at the beginning of each semester and only seniors and juniors can attend with Counselor approval. Duncan Russell School – the student is extremely credit deficient and must complete the required credits to transfer to Stein. Stein High School - The student is “off track” to graduate from Tracy High School but meets the credit requirements for Stein High School **Counselor referral is required for consideration to attend Duncan Russell /Stein High School
What will YOU do After High School? What path is right for YOU ? Some choices to consider after graduating from high school include: Community Colleges (two-year) Public/Private Colleges/Universities (four-year) Vocational /Trade Schools Military Employment
HOW DO I START MY PLANNING? Career Exploration Resources: www.cacareerzone.org (On file from your 10th grade counseling activity in the College & Career Readiness Center) www.mappingyourfuture.org www.whatcareerisrightforme.com www.onetonline.org The Tracy High School College and Career Readiness Center is an excellent resource for obtaining vocational information!!
Community College Community Colleges have an “open door” policy and accept “all students” provided they are a high school graduate, or at least 18 years old. Community College students can earn one of the following: Associate of Arts (AA) or Associate of Science (AS) degree Transfer coursework completion for a four year college/university Vocational Certification Local Area Community Colleges: San Joaquin Delta College (www.deltacollege.edu) Modesto Junior College (www.mjc.edu) Las Positas Community College (www.laspositascollege.edu) For list of all California State Community Colleges (www.ccco.edu) **Placement tests may be required in English and Math to register for classes
California Public Colleges/Universities University of California (UC) completion of a-g courses (with C grade or higher) SAT with Essay or ACT with Writing 4 Personal Insight Responses For more information: www.universityofcalifornia.edu California State University (CSU) Completion of a-g courses SAT or ACT www2.calstate.edu www.californiacolleges.edu – information for colleges statewide
Private and out of state Colleges/Universities Make sure to check with the individual college/university for their admission requirements, which may include: Completion of a-g courses (with C grade or higher) SAT/ACT test SAT Subject test (may be highly recommended or required) Personal Statement/Essay Letters of Recommendation Western Undergraduate Exchange (WUE) for out of state colleges: www.wiche.edu/wue List of CA private colleges/ universities: www.aiccu.edu
What are the “A-G” requirements What are the “A-G” requirements? The A-G College Entrance Requirements are a sequence of high school courses that students must complete (with a grade of C or better) to be minimally eligible for admission to the University of California (UC) and California State University (CSU). A. History = 2 years B. English = 4 years C. Math = 3 years; 4 years recommended D. Lab Science = 2 years (1yr biological lab science and 1yr physical lab science; 3 years recommended E. Foreign Language = 2 years; 3 years recommended F. Visual & Performing Arts = 1 year G. Elective = 1 year (from any subject area above) Must earn a grade of C or better in all a-g courses.
Standardized College admission tests SAT/ACT
What can juniors do to prepare for the SAT/act ? For SAT prep, Juniors can take the PSAT/NMSQT on Saturday, October 14, 2017(pre-register with THS Bookkeeper, cost is $25) Why take the PSAT/NMSQT? The PSAT exposes students to the style, structure, and content of a major standardized college admissions exam (the SAT). For most students, the PSAT will be their first experience dealing with this type of test. In turn, this will allow students to establish baseline scores and to familiarize themselves with a test format they’ll face in the future. The PSAT provides the highest-performing students with a chance to achieve recognition and possibly a small financial award through the National Merit Scholarship Corporation. Sophomores who took the PSAT 10 last year were provided with their online and paper score reports and “next step” activities at www.studentscores.collegeboard.org For ACT prep, Juniors can check out www.act.org for online test prep.
If you took the PSAT 10 last year, you can use your PSAT 10 score report to help you identify areas of strength and weakness in order to help you study and prepare for the PSAT/NMSQT
What is the Early Assessment Program (EAP)? Voluntary academic program to assess college readiness in English and math classes for California State Universities(CSU) Not used for admission to the college and does not disqualify a student for registering to the college. Is embedded in the CAASP( California Assessment of Student Progress and Performance) also known as the SBAC (Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium) that all juniors test in Spring for math and English. Must indicate on their California Assessment of Student Performance (CAASPP) test that they wish to participate in the EAP program. The EAP determines if a student is “Ready” or “Conditionally Ready” for math and English courses at the CSU Highly recommended for students who plan to attend a CSU For more information: www.calstate.edu/eap www.csusuccess.org.
Financial Aid/Scholarships To apply for federal/state aid, student and parent must complete a FAFSA at the beginning of the senior year. For more information: www.fafsa.ed.gov Scholarships are private aid which do not have to be re-paid and can be based on a variety of factors such as merit, grade point average and other donor specified criteria. For more information, see Mrs. Arce, in the College and Career Readiness Center(A112)
Want to be a college athlete Want to be a college athlete? You need to know about NCAA and NAIA Eligibility requirements If you want to play NCAA sports at a Division I or II college, or an NAIA college, you need to register with the NCAA Eligibility Center or the NAIA Eligibility Center. The NCAA (National Collegiate Athletic Association) works with you and your high school to help you prepare for life as a student- athlete. To register, go to the NCAA Eligibility Center website: www.ncaa.org The NAIA (National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics) is the governing body of small athletic programs throughout the United States. To register, go to the NAIA website to check out schools and to register: www.playnaia.org Tracy High School Code = 053525
Military ? Military Branches NEXT ASVAB - 9/26/17 – 8:15am – D210* Army – www.goarmy.com Marines – www.marines.com Navy – www.navy.com Air Force – www.airforce.com Coast Guard – www.gocoastguard.com ROTC (Reserve Office Training Corps) - www.ROTC.COM For students interested in becoming officers after college. Each military branch has an ROTC option. ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery)The ASVAB is a multiple-aptitude battery that measures developed abilities and helps predict future academic and occupational success in the military but it is also a non- committal test and students do not have to join the military to test. * Interested students should contact Mrs. Arce, the College and Career Readiness Center Coordinator(A112), to sign up for the ASVAB. NEXT ASVAB - 9/26/17 – 8:15am – D210*
Military Academies West Point Military Academy– www.usma.edu US Naval Academy – www.usna.edu Air Force Academy – www.usafa.af.mil Coast Guard Academy – www.cga.edu US Merchant Marine Academywww.usmma.edu Requirements: Congressional Nomination SAT/ACT Physical Fitness Exam ** Military Academy application process Interview begins in Junior year!! Strong academic program Leadership Skills
Employment ? Develop a Resume - Check Local Resources - www.jobsearch.about.com Check Local Resources - www.caljobs.ca.gov www.indeed.com Volunteer/non-paid internships - Can often lead to a paid position. Be creative and don’t be afraid to take on new challenges!
Suggested Junior Activities Meet with your high school counselor and review/update your four-year plan to make sure you are on track for graduation and/or “A-G” courses, if planning to attend college. Maintain good grades (very important during 10th/11th year) Make up needed classes for graduation and “a-g”, if planning to attend college Explore careers and majors: cacareerzone.org (your 10th grade counseling activity on file in A112) Visit college campuses, take college virtual tours, attend college workshops at Tracy High, check Tracy High Bulletin or with Mrs. Arce, Career Center Coordinator for dates, attend college Preview Days Take PSAT October 14, 2017 Test prep for the SAT & National Merit Scholarship Qualifier exam Take SAT or ACT tests starting in the spring semester of junior year. Register with NCAA and/or NAIA by end of junior year. Begin/continue community service activities- Remember, quality not quantity
Questions??????? https://www.tracy.k12.ca.us/sites/ths If you would like to meet with your counselor, please go to the Counseling Office before school, during your lunch or after school to schedule an appointment time with your counselor. Be sure to check the Counseling Department webpage for a review of today’s junior presentation and other pertinent information at: https://www.tracy.k12.ca.us/sites/ths