Gathering Blue December 19, 2016
Homeroom Instructions: 1. Pick up INB 3. Update your agenda 2 Homeroom Instructions: 1. Pick up INB 3. Update your agenda 2. Check the whiteboard 4.Read independently.
Bell Work Norms: Movement: In your desk. Voice: Silent. Purpose: Prep for today’s reading Time: 5 Minutes. What are the four types of phrases we use to write New Year’s Resolutions?
4 Phrases 4 A Better You Infinitive Phrase Noun Phrase Gerund Phrase Prepositional Phrase
Gerund Phrases A gerund is a verb form that ends in -ing. A gerund phrase includes the gerund, plus any modifiers and complements. Running laps Going to practice the French horn Learning a new language Getting As in 2 classes
Prepositional Phrases a modifying phrase consisting of a preposition and its object. During tests In English/Math/Science After dinner Outside the school Before bed
Noun phrases include a noun and modifiers that distinguish it: The class I have a D in The worst moments The student
Infinitive Phrase An infinitive phrase will begin with an infinitive [to + simple form of the verb]. It will include objects and/or modifiers. To score a goal To speak Mandarin To eat more vegetables
4 Phrases 4 A Better You Infinitive Phrase Noun Phrase Gerund Phrase Prepositional Phrase
Resolution A firm goal for improvement. Ex: New Year’s Resolutions are goals for self improvement in the next calendar year.
Resolution Writing Time Describe three or four resolutions for 2017 Explain how you will accomplish each goal Give concrete details Underline examples of each of the four phrases Double check phrases/modifiers
Resolution Debrief On your ornament, write a single sentence that summarizes your New Year’s Resolutions.