Joint Commissioning……or from here to eternity? Gary Nethercott & Karen Taylor
So what underpins Joint Commissioning? ...............Effective Partnerships.
What are the characteristics of effective partnership? Partnerships share: Priorities Resources Accountabilities Successes & failures
Be patient-take the long view! It takes courage not to go for just quick wins! With EH&C plans to be delivered the first step on the 1000 mile journey to joint commissioning is single agency commissioning being joined up! We must not fall into the trap of excellent being the enemy of good!-remember world class commissioning?!
So what is the spectrum? Co-operation Collaboration Partnership Joint commissioning.
So what ...and all of this is services talking to themselves unless we engage with children & young people/parents/carers on what the reality is for them in their lives and what makes a difference. In other words it is about co-production and outcomes.
JC should be informed by a clear assessment of local needs JC should be informed by a clear assessment of local needs. The H&WB Board develop the JSNA and Joint health and well being strategies to support prevention, identification, assessment and early interventions and a joined up approach. The NHS Mandate which local CCGs must follow contains a specific objective on supporting CYP with sen and disabilities including the offer of personal budgets. Joint commissioning arrangements must cover service for 0-25 years both with and without EHC plans.
Code of Practice Local authorities must work to integrate educational provision and training provision with health and social care provision where they think this would promote the wellbeing of children and young people with SEN or disabilities or improve the quality of special educational provision. Local partners must co-operate with the local authority in this. J
Code of Practice At a strategic level partners must engage children and young people with SEN and disabilities and children’s parents in commissioning decisions, to give useful insights into to how to improve services and outcomes.
The JSNA will inform the local commissioning decisions made for CYP with SEN and disabilities. Which will in turn be reflected in the services set out in the Local Offer. LAs and CCGs have considerable freedom in how they work together to deliver integrated support that improves CYP outcomes. However, local governance arrangements must be in place to ensure clear accountability for commissioning services for CYP and disabilities 0-25 years. Clear decision making structures so partners can agree the changes that JC will bring in the design of services. This is to help ensure JC is focussed on delivering outcomes. Partners should ensure there is a designated Medical Officer to support the CCG in meeting its statutory responsibilities , primarily by providing a point of contact for local partners when notifying parents and LAs about CYP have SEN or D and when seeking advice on SEN or D.
Code of Practice – data sets Population and demographic data Prevalence Numbers with EHC plans and their main needs Use of out of area placements for low incidence needs Analysis of key PIs Outcomes of developmental assessments (2 yr old check) EYFS information Where they are educated Analysis of local challenges and sources of health inequalities Employment rates – leaving education Local data of disabled CYP including low incidence which are particularly difficult to plan for from national data sets
Code of Practice – outcomes Individual e.g. Alex can communicate independently with friends at lunchtime Service level e.g. paternal mental health has improved in 10 families Strategic e.g. 10% increase in YP supported into employment and independent living
Code of Practice – outcomes To achieve the above outcomes provision needs to be put in place e.g. Speech and language and social skills programme A short breaks programme A newly commissioned transition strategy
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