Community Development November 2011
Community Development Staff Organization The Community Development Department consists of: 3 full time employees 3 contract personnel
Community Development 2011-2012 Budget $282,500 is a 24.1% overall reduction from last fiscal year. Includes a 28.1% reduction in personnel costs. Includes funding for software. This is a continued reduction in budget and demonstrates a 36.8% reduction in the Community Development budget in the last 2 years.
Community Development Revenue FY 06-07 FY 07-08 FY 08-09 FY 09-10 FY 10-11 Local Business Tax Receipt $93,995.81 $90,069.33 $89,037.45 $72,478.96 $82,501.62 Fire Inspection $27,877.50 $25,834.50 $25,518.00 $19,705.00 $23,626.67 Building permits $44,155.32 $48,324.20 $15,392.67 $24,379.72 $13,447.79 Other $1,304.61 $652.30 $1,725.78 $2568.94 $3,344.75 Plan reviews $3,685.24 $3,049.34 $250.00 $2529.00 $800.00 Re zone + variance $7,100.00 $9,625.00 $5,950.00 $3,450.00 $875.00 Impact fees $90,600.00 $128,090.75 $15,200.00 $27,600.00 $4510.00 TOTALS $268,718.48 $305,645.42 $153,073.90 $152,877.62 $129,105.83
What is the function of Community Development? The Community Development Department is in the service business. We serve the City Commission, the citizens of Bunnell, the business owners, and the property owners. We focus all our efforts to carry out the vision of the City Commission for a clean, vibrant, and diverse community. We strive to assist residents and business owners in achieving the best of both urban and rural community lifestyles since Bunnell is truly a “tale of two cities” , considering the historic urban city core, and the annexed rural areas.
What is the function of Community Development? (cont) The Community Development Department oversees every phase of development within the City- from the design of buildings, to the infrastructure to serve it, to the use of buildings, to the on-going maintenance of properties. The Department is organized in the following divisions: Building Permits. Planning and Zoning. Comprehensive Planning. Code Enforcement. Local Business Tax Receipts. Economic Development.
Building Permits The Community Development Department issues permits for all new construction or modifications to existing developments (commercial, residential or industrial) in the City. The permits follow the safety standards set forth in the Florida Building Code. Adherence to the Building Code ensures that each project meets a minimum set of safety standards, which in turn helps preserve the value of the buildings and structures. The City contracts with a building official who visits each job site to verify that the work has been performed to Building Code requirements.
Planning & Zoning There are two primary functions of the Planning & Zoning Division: long range planning and current planning. Long range planning involves the establishment of regulations and long range plans for land use and development within the City through a Comprehensive Plan. The Comprehensive Plan is a policy document that represents the official statement of the City regarding its social, physical, and economic goals.
Planning & Zoning (con’t) The City adopted the new 2030 Comprehensive Plan on June 27, 2011 through Ordinance 2010-07. The recently adopted 2030 Comprehensive Plan includes chapters on future land use, conservation, utility infrastructure, housing, open space, intergovernmental coordination, traffic circulation, and educational and cultural resources. The Comprehensive Plan determines the potential growth of the City, including residential, commercial, and industrial growth and establishes the goals to accommodate that growth. The large area of annexed property is included in our new comprehensive plan.
Planning & Zoning (con’t) Current planning involves the review of development projects, including anything from bedroom additions to residential subdivisions and new commercial centers. Projects are reviewed for matters such as compliance with zoning regulations, the effect the project will have on the environment, and compatibility with neighboring uses. The Land Development Code is designed to implement the goals of the Comprehensive Plan through detailed regulations. Currently our Land development code is undergoing an extensive re write to ensure it matches the Goals in the new comprehensive plan.
Planning, Zoning, and Appeals Board Planning, Zoning, and Appeals Board meetings are typically held once each month with an occasional special meeting. Below lists the amount of agenda items each year on the agenda’s from 2006 – 2011 Year Amount 2006 78 2007 99 2008 77 2009 60 2010 34 2011 (YTD) 25
Planning, Zoning, and Appeals Board Below lists the average number of agenda items each month on the Planning, Zoning, and Appeals Board Agenda from 2006-2011: Year Amount 2006 7 2007 8 2008 6 2009 5 2010 3 2011
Code Enforcement Code Enforcement focuses on enforcing property maintenance, zoning requirements, and related provisions of the City of Bunnell Land Development Code. The codes help ensure that homeowners and surrounding residents are protected from potential health and safety risks in addition to maintaining Bunnell’s aesthetic integrity. The Code Enforcement Officer is responsible for responding to complaints or inquiries regarding violations of zoning, sign, land use ordinances, and public nuisances as well as being proactive in identifying and initiating cases. Code Enforcement Officers are knowledgeable of the Land Development Code and State and Federal Laws that apply. They work closely with business and homeowners to address property maintenance issues and with this cooperation this allows for the correction of code violations and helps to preserve the quality of life within the City's neighborhoods.
Code Enforcement Board Below lists the Code Enforcement Board data from 2007-October 15, 2011. Meetings Held New Cases Cases Closed (includes some cases from previous years) 2007 10 166 158 2008 55 52 2009 84 89 2010 9 96 57 2011 (YTD) 6 140 102
Code Enforcement Board cases As of October 15, 2011, there were 68 open code enforcement cases. Of the 68 open cases, 24 involved junk vehicles. There are currently 7 properties with liens; of those cases, 7 are still in non-compliance. A $2,000.00 lien payment was received in April 2011. The Clerk of Court was provided with documentation of this lien being satisfied in May 2011.
Local Business Tax Receipts The Local Business Tax Receipt (formerly Occupational License) is imposed for the privilege of doing business in the City of Bunnell. Anyone that engages in any type of business within the City limits is required to have a City of Bunnell Local Business Tax Receipt. All receipts are sold or renewed by the City beginning July 1 of each year, are due and payable on or before September 30 of each year, and expire on September 30 of the succeeding year. Receipts not renewed by September 30 become delinquent and subject to a penalty of 10% for the month of October and an additional 5% for each month of delinquency thereafter. However, the total delinquency penalty may not exceed 25 percent of the tax for the delinquent establishment. The fee for new Local Business Tax Receipts issued from April 1, through September 30, shall be one-half the regular annual license tax. The City of Bunnell has fixed Business Tax fees as established by the City Commissioners. These fees apply to a business based on its classification.
Economic Development Economic Development. With the changes in the Economic Development organization and structure at the County level, our efforts in this area are still being formulated.
Present Needs of Community Development Land Development Code re write (Several Ordinances on this subject are on the November Planning Board agenda, and will be placed on a Commission agenda once the Planning board is finished.) New vehicle ( need another used Police Department vehicle after their two new ones come in)
Inventory Community Development has: QTY DESCRIPTION 5 Computers 2 Cars
Future Goals of Community Development Economic Development Land Development Code rewrite