New Comprehensive Zoning By-law December 12, 2016
Project Overview New Comprehensive Zoning By-law to repeal and replace By-law 79-14 (enacted in 1979) and all amendment Wide range of planning policy and regulatory considerations, local planning context Draft Zoning By-law (September 2015) Consultation Public review and agency circulation Public open houses (3) – October 2015 Statutory public meeting – October 13, 2015 Response to comments received – December 2015, March 2016 Additional NPCA comments – July 2016 (additional mapping review requested) Township staff review for current/new planning applications New Comprehensive Zoning By-law December 12, 2016
Objectives Address provincial requirements Implementation of Regional and Local Official Plans, as amended Protection of agriculture and environment, compact urban form, community design, land use compatibility, etc. User-friendly, streamlined by-law Update defined terms, general provisions and parking standards Reduce exceptions New mapping New Comprehensive Zoning By-law December 12, 2016
Revisions to Draft Zoning By-law Maintained overall format, structure, regulatory approach Zoning By-law User’s Guide Refinements to Administration and Interpretation provisions, revised and added new Definitions Clarified distinction of principal uses and accessory uses Revisions to General Provisions Accessory dwelling units Allowable projections Bed and breakfast establishments Home occupations and home industries On-farm diversified uses New Comprehensive Zoning By-law December 12, 2016
Revisions to Draft Zoning By-law Revisions to Zones Agricultural Purposes Only (APO) Zone Some revisions and refinement of permitted uses and regulations for Agricultural, Residential, Commercial and Employment Zones Reference to NPCA and EIS requirements in Environmental Zones Consolidated existing holding provisions, site-specific provisions and temporary use provisions Mapping revisions Site-specific zones, holding zones, temporary use zones, APO zones Updated environmental mapping information (NPCA) – EP and EC zones Refinement of zone boundaries and symbols New Comprehensive Zoning By-law December 12, 2016
Mapping Example – EC Zone
Legislative and Policy Changes Planning Act Amendments Two-year moratorium on applications for Zoning By-law amendments after new Zoning By-law is enacted Council may, by resolution, allow applications generally, certain types of applications, or as determined on a case-by-case basis No appeals of Council resolution Applications permitted to proceed would be subject to the established process Bill 7 - Promoting Affordable Housing Act, 216 Introduces new municipal powers to require affordable housing in new developments Effective date not yet established for most Planning Act changes Official Plan and Zoning By-law implementation New Comprehensive Zoning By-law December 12, 2016
Legislative and Policy Changes Guidelines on Permitted Uses in Prime Agricultural Areas Direction and recommended standards for permitted uses Agricultural uses, agricultural-related uses, on-farm diversified uses New Minimum Distance Separation (MDS) Document Setbacks between non-agricultural uses and livestock facilities / manure storage and anaerobic digesters Revised / new implementation guidelines Implementation in new Zoning By-law (Schedule “B”) Some options available to municipalities for implementation of specific guidelines Effective date: March 1, 2017 New Comprehensive Zoning By-law December 12, 2016
Official Plan Amendment Zoning By-law implements and is required to conform with the Township’s Official Plan Housekeeping amendment to address Zoning By-law conformity Home industries Communal housing (e.g. long-term care facilities, retirement homes, boarding/rooming houses) Stand alone residential uses in Commercial Core / Mixed Use Corridor / Intensification Area Public and agency notice/circulation, public meeting required for draft Official Plan Amendment New Comprehensive Zoning By-law December 12, 2016
Next Steps NPCA review of EP/EC Zones / mapping Prepare draft Official Plan Amendment (housekeeping) Public notice / agency circulation, final public meeting Response to any final comments, finalize Zoning By-law and Official Plan Amendment Council Approval Final Notice of Council decision New Comprehensive Zoning By-law December 12, 2016