Lab # 6 – Mineral Identification Due – Mon 11/3 Do Now - FILL IN HEADING Begin vocabulary
Lets do Sample #1 together - Observe Sample #1
What is it’s hardness range? 1 - 2 Does it show cleavage or fracture? Hint . . . check out these pictures Cleavage (it is hard to see because the sample is so soft that it gets round edges from being touched)
Outside color? Silver / Grey Inside color – Streak? Grey / Black
Yes, It has a METALLIC luster. Luster – Does it look like metal? Yes, It has a METALLIC luster.
Now use your ESRT page 16 to narrow down a name for your mineral sample.
your mineral choice to only 4 names Luster narrows down your mineral choice to only 4 names
Now check hardness, color and streak
Mineral Sample #2 - Cleavage Clear None Nonmetallic
Mineral Sample #3 - Cleavage Clear / Tan / Black None Nonmetallic
Mineral Sample #4 - Cleavage Silver Grey Metallic
Mineral Sample #5 - Cleavage Pink / Tan None Nonmetallic
Mineral Sample #6 - Fracture Gold Greenish Brown Metallic
Mineral Sample #7 - Fracture Green None Nonmetallic
Mineral Sample #8 - Cleavage White Nonmetallic
Mineral Sample #9 - Fracture Black black metallic ** Magnetic **
Mineral Sample #10 - Fracture Yellow Nonmetallic
Lab Reflection Lab # 6 – Due 11/3 – Mineral Id What was the problem or purpose of the lab? What did we do as a class? Define mineral What gives a mineral its characteristics? Name a physical property that is least helpful in identifying a mineral and explain why? How are minerals used in your everyday life? (hint use ESRT for ideas)