Student led conferences 2012 By: Allison Hilborn
What I have learned this year in science This year in science I have learned a lot about the periodic table. I learned most of their signs and where they are placed in the graph. I also learned, how to balance equations, and how to draw a dot structure, and a Bohr model. I have also learned a little bit about the rock cycle, but I still need to know more. My favorite part about science so far this year would be all the labs we have done. I like doing hands on activites and I think I learn better that way. Some labs we have done would be a thermoeter lab, we did a lab were we dropped all these different kind of balls and found out how high the bounced back up. We also got to do this lab were we colored a map according by the depth. My least favorite part about science this year would learning the Mineral identification because I did not find testing rocks very interesting. I also did not find learning suspificts about rocks were fun such as the hardness very fun. But I liked how we did a lab about the rocks rather then just reading about them.
Skills & Effort Description Ability to complete all the assignments for class On scale on 1-5 (5 being the best) I would give myself a 4 on completing all my assignments because. I using finish my assignments but don’t turn them in on time. class time effort & positive contributions to class discussions On a scale 1-5 I would give myself a 3, I put effort into my work but not always. I also do not usually participate in class discussions. Ability to work with others in class On a scale 1-5 I would give myself a 5 I do my share of the work and even when I work with friends we finish our work on time. I also am respectful of the others I am working with.
describe items you want to improve upon for next quarter/year. Why? Next year/quarter I want to improve on my in class participating. I know I can do my bets when I really try I need to focus more in class and pay attention.
describe what when well in this school year. Why? I think this school year my test and quiz’s went A LOT better then last I actually studied for most of them. I also just understood more what I was learning about and if I did not understand I made sure I did by asking questions.