Female Male Marriage
Lines of lineage; How people are related
Each horizontal line of relatives is called a generation my grandparents’ generation my parents’ generation my generation my children’s generation Each horizontal line of relatives is called a generation
Ego’s Aunts and Uncles Ego’s parents
Ego’s brother and sister are called siblings Cousins
Ego’s nephews and nieces Ego’s children Ego’s nephews and nieces
So who are these people?
So who are these people? Ego’s maternal grandmother Ego’s maternal grandfather
Which would make these Ego’s maternal great uncle and great aunt
19, 21, 25, and 22 would all be considered what in our kinship system? Of those people, who would be related to Ego in a patrilineal kinship society? Of those people, who would be related to Ego in a matrilineal kinship society?
Matrilineal Lineage
Village in the Kalahari Ju/'hoansi Camp: Village in the Kalahari Most people in a band live in kin groups. This diagram is typical for the formation of a band in the Kalahari (southern Africa).
In this society is better to be a male or female? Potential Bwoti Memberships: Only shaded people can join the kinship group and enjoy inheritance. In this society is better to be a male or female?
Hebrew lineages: (above) the 12 Tribes, (left) lineage of Judah
Impediments to Marriage (Women whom Ego cannot marry are shaded in red) Pre Vatican II Post Vatican II