Neurorehabilitation Service Development Sabahat Asim Wasti
Objective To develop guidelines for neurorehabilitation service development based on Best practice Efficiency Economical Deliverable Population and environment appropriate
Standards Core standards that are vital for service to achieve above Minimally implementable: meaning should not fall below a given critical line Affordable Ensure effective delivery of services Backed up by evidence Policed through standardized outcome analysis
Work thus far Lot of back ground reading / literature search PM&R guidelines Royal College BSRM Australian Disease specific guidelines Clearinghouse, NICE ICU Rehab USA directives on ICU Rehab AAPM&R best practice directives CARF
LOCAL EXPERIENCE Raised my concern with Health Authority Abu Dhabi about standards of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Worked closely and wrote the standards with close cooperation with CARF The standards will be implemented, hopefully soon after this conference and will change the quality if services Very useful experience
Plan forward Developed a questionnaire to get baseline feel Discussion with CARF I propose that: This SIG partners with CARF to move forward Discussed with Chris MaCdonell and she likes the idea of collaboration Advantages: World established body with very efficient resources Over 40 years experience of developing standards and policing facilities Core neurorehabilitation standards can be secured aside from the general rehab standards Disadvantages Commercial tag
Plan forward Membership Do not want to many!!!! Link with all SIGS as service delivery effects all Please send 1 page SIG related observations, suggestions and specifics pertaining to services to me Guidelines and core standards ready for Philadelphia Symposium proposed for Philadelphia
Is it OK for NSD SIG to partner with CARF to take this task forward Main Discussion Point Is it OK for NSD SIG to partner with CARF to take this task forward