History, Language , Location PARAGUAY History, Language , Location Gloria Monzon ET 249- 972
LOCATION Paraguay is located in the heart of South America. It is crossed by Tropical of Capricorn. It is surrounded by Brazil, Argentina, and Bolivia.
PARAGUAY FACTS Asuncion is Paraguay’s capital city. Animals found in this country include jaguar, foxes, monkeys, deer, and tapir. Guarani is the currency used in this country. Guarani and Spanish are two official languages Tapir Currency
HISTORY Want to know more about history? Go to: Paraguay Paraguay was a land of the Guarani Indian before the first Europeans arrived in the sixteenth century. The land of the “Guaranies” was conquered by the Spanish kingdom and colonized by the Jesuits 1537-1767. Paraguay became independent from Spain on May 14, 1811. Want to know more about history? Go to: Paraguay
LANGUAGE The origin of Guarani language is unknown. It is mandated in the constitution that education should be bilingual. Guarani is the most common language in Paraguay, after Spanish. Guarani is spoken by 94% of the population in the country.
COMPARISON OF BOTH LANGUAGE English Guarani How are you? Fine, and you? Welcome to Paraguay Where are you from? I am from Paraguay. Mba’eichapa? Iporaiterei, ha nde? Tereguahe poraite Paraguaype. Mooguapa nde? Che Paraguay gua. Do you want to learn more Guarani? Go to Guarani language
TRADITIONAL FOOD Chipa so-o Sopa paraguaya Mbeyu Maiz Mandioca Meat consumption is much lower than in either of the other Rio de la Plata republics, although “parrillada” (grilled meat) is still a restaurant standard. Grains, particularly maize and tubers such as” mandioca” (manioc or cassava) are part of almost every meal. “Chipas” is a popular side dish. Sopa paraguaya is a cornbread with cheese and onion. “Mbaipy so-o” is a hot maize pudding with chunks of meat. “Mbeyu”, also known as “torta de almidon”, is a plain grilled manioc pancake that resembles the Mexican tortilla.
SCENIC POINTS ITAIPU: The name Itaipu was taken from an isle that existed near the construction site. Itaipu is the largest hydroelectric power plaint in the world. This is one of the wonders of modern engineering project. For more information visit this website: Itaipu Ruins Jesuits A popular attraction is the “Reducciones” (Ruins) of jesuits communities which were founded around 1606. The purpose of the “Reducciones” was to spread the gospel to the indigenous group
ASUNCION, COUNTRY’S CAPITAL CITY Asuncion is one of the oldest cities in South America and the longest continually inhabited area in the River Plate Basin. It is known as “Mother of Cities.” It was from here that the colonial expeditions departed to found other cities. Population 1,212,112 (2002) Full name: Nuestra Senora Santa Maria de la Asuncion The full name means Our Lady Holy Mary of the Assumption. Asuncion
CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER What is the country capital city? Asuncion Montevideo Buenos Aires Where is Paraguay Located ? Central America North America South America How many language (s) are spoken in Paraguay? One Two Three
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COLORADO CONTENT STANDARDS GRADES 5 – 8 Identify the characteristics of populations, geography, and culture of a particular country. 4. Students understand how economic, political, cultural, and social processes interact to shape patterns of human populations, interdependence cooperation, and conflict Geography