Imperialism: Regions ** Key Terms to Know** Direct Control- Foreign officials brought in to rule, no self rule, goal: assimilation, government institutions are based only on European styles. (colonies) Indirect Control- Local officials ruled, limited self-rule, Goal: to develop future leaders, Government institutions are based on European styles but may have local rules. Sphere of Influence- Another country has exclusive control of production on certain products. A monopoly
Africa “Scramble for Africa”- Begins 1881, division of Africa Boer Wars (Dutch speaking descendants)- Conflicts from expanding British empire (late 1800s to 1900s)– British absorb lands Zulu Nation: Began as loose group of African tribes Shaka Zulu 1816-1828: Unified tribes to create Zulu nation (resist imperialism) Anglo-Zulu War 1879: Final fight against the British (superior firepower)
China Opium Wars- British sell opium (from India) to China; Trade advantage (silver) 1st: 1839-1842 2nd: 1856-1860 Boxer rebellion: 1899-1901 Anti-Imperialist; Fought multiple “western” empires Fall of Qing- 1912 (Last Emperor) Nationalist uprising; Eventual Communist Revolution
Japan Isolated for over 200 years until 1853 Perry Mission= Opens Japan to “West” Modernization of Japan (Meiji Restoration) Focus on professional military 1894 & 95- Sino Japanese War Fights China over control of Korea 1904- Russo Japanese War Fights Russia for Manchuria and Korea
US Imperialism Latin America : Fights Spanish for control of Cuba, Puerto Rico, Guam, Philippines Mexican American War: Texas annexed 1845; conflict ensues= US gains Southwest territories Japan: 1853 Perry Mission China: Involved in Boxer rebellion
British Imperialism China- Trade advantage (silver); Opium Wars and Boxer rebellion India Sepoy Mutiny: Indian soldiers for British (Hindu and Muslim) Tension growing between “castes” (social levels) Powder cartridges used animal fat (biting) Beef insults Hindus Pork insults Muslim Mohandas Gandhi= India independence Africa- Cecil Rhodes (gold and diamonds) Middle East Ottomans Palestine (Modern Israel)
Outcomes/Impacts New countries formed by European powers New global economic markets Spread of culture/ideas/foods etc New conflicts arise amongst once colonized groups Search for independence by colonized nations WWI and WWII
In Depth– Complete a historical analysis of the following events In Depth– Complete a historical analysis of the following events... 2 full paragraphs each Sepoy Mutiny Boxer Rebellion --- What are their origins/why did they start? --- How are they connected to imperialism? --- Who were the major countries/people involved? --- What actually happened? (explain the event)