Mercantilism The Spanish discovery of the new world & its valuable resources led other European countries to explore & compete for their piece of the action. European countries believed the more wealth they had the more powerful it made them, to achieve this they needed to sell more goods than they bought from other countries. A way to increase their wealth was to discover new lands & trade routes across the Atlantic.
Mercantilism is a government policy that protects a nation’s trade & demands the accumulation of wealth.
Mercantilism EXAMPLE: England’s colonies were required to provide raw materials to England & had to purchase English manufactured goods made in England. Raw materials Manufactured Goods
English & French Explorers in America Other European countries made claims in North America English, Dutch, & French started colonies in North America
Explorers for Great Britain Explorers for France Jacques Cartier explored the St. Lawrence River. Samuel de Champlain claimed Quebec Marquette, Joliet, & La Salle explored the Mississippi river. Explorers for Great Britain John Cabot discovered Newfoundland in his unsuccessful quest to find a Northwest passage to Asia. Explorers for the Dutch Henry Hudson (he was English sailing for the Netherlands) explored what would become known as the Hudson River.
The Northwest Passage
Portugal claimed the route to Asia around Africa. Spain claimed the route to Asia around South America discovered by Magellan. Portugal claimed the route to Asia around Africa. Other European countries looked for the Northwest Passage: a trade route through North America to Asia. Europe North America ASIA Africa South America
They never did find the Northwest Passage, as the only way around North America requires sailing through heavy ice!
Although, nowadays, as the polar ice is melting more each year, some scientists say the Northwest Passage will soon be passable by more than just ice breaker ships!
John Cabot Sailed for England Was looking for a Northwest Passage Landed on coast of Newfoundland in 1497 Gave England a claim to part of North America
John Cabot- discovered Newfoundland
Actually the Vikings were the first Europeans to make it to Newfoundland, nearly 500 years earlier- (The Vikings called it Vinland). They just didn’t make detailed maps of their discoveries & announce the discovery of the New World to the rest of Europe.
Remember… Viking legends say Leif Ericson was the leader of the 1st Vikings to visit North America. While he might not have been the 1st it is believed he did visit. This is the Viking settlement L'Anse aux Meadows on the northern tip of the island of Newfoundland. Evidence of structures & artifacts were found here. Of course Native Americans were the first humans to make it to North & South America. There is conclusive evidence that Vikings arrived in North America (Newfoundland) around 1000 AD. There are also tales of African & Asian fishermen being blown across the Atlantic & Pacific Oceans to the New World, but there is no conclusive evidence. Viking Cloak Pin Newfoundland Spindle Whorl –for spinning wool
KEY IDEA People who discovered the New World before Columbus, (like the Native Americans, Vikings, & any other group who may have made it) did not make this knowledge widely known. Columbus’ discovery of the New World did become widely known throughout Europe & it set off a wave of exploration over the Atlantic. These explorers described their discoveries in the New World to the benefit of those who came after them.
Jacques Cartier French Explorer While looking for the Northwest Passage in 1534 he found the St. Lawrence River off the east coast of Canada He became the 1st European to sail up the St. Lawrence… & named an island at the head of the river Mount Royal, which later became known as Montreal.
Henry Hudson English sailor Sailed for the Netherlands (Dutch) in 1609 Also looked for the Northwest Passage Explored 3 waterways that were named for him: Hudson River Hudson Strait Hudson Bay The Dutch claimed the region along these waterways, incuding NEW YORK
Henry Hudson’s Travels
Hudson River Hudson Strait New York Hudson Bay New York City (Dead End) Hudson River Hudson Strait New York Hudson Bay Hudson sailed up the Hudson River looking for the Northwest Passage New York City
·The Dutch claimed the land he found & called it New Netherland ·The Dutch claimed the land he found & called it New Netherland. It includes parts of New York State & New Jersey & of course: New Amsterdam— which is now called New York City
·The Dutch focused on the fur trade & welcomed settlers from other lands New Amsterdam became a bustling center of trade & activity.
Samuel de Champlain French explorer In 1608, Samuel de Champlain sailed up the St. Lawrence River & founded Quebec Quebec became base of France’s colonial empire in North America, known as New France
New France included the Great Lakes & the Mississippi River valley
New France was very large but had few inhabitants The main activity of the French colonies was the fur trade
Jacques Marquette Louis Joliet
French Jesuit Priest Jacques Marquette & trader Louis Joliet explored the Great Lakes & the upper Mississippi River in 1673 Great Lakes Mississippi River
Sieur de La Salle: a French explorer Sieur de La Salle: a French explorer. Starting in 1678 he explored the Great lakes & the Mississippi River & discovered mouth of the Mississippi River
THINK ABOUT IT British Colonies Eventually in the early 1600’s, the English began to set up permanent colonies along the east coast of what is now the United States. In contrast, the Spanish were not as interested in colonizing the new world as they were in exploiting the riches in the new world for Spain. (Bringing back gold & other natural resources) British Colonies
What term refers to a country's power being related to its wealth? …
The hoped for trade route through North America to Asia was called the…
Northwest Passage
Explorer who found the St. Lawrence River…
Jacques Cartier
Explorer who sailed for England & landed on the coast of Newfoundland…
John Cabot
English explorer who sailed for the Dutch & explored the area around New York...
Henry Hudson
Jesuit Priest & French Trader who explored the Great Lakes & the upper Mississippi River…
Jacques Marquette & Louis Joliet
Explorer who founded Quebec…
Samuel de Champlain
Explorer who discovered the mouth of the Mississippi River…
Sieur de La Salle
What was the difference between the actions of the Spanish & English in the Americas?
The Spanish wanted to exploit the riches of the new world for Spain The Spanish wanted to exploit the riches of the new world for Spain. (Bringing back gold & other natural resources) The English wanted to colonize the new world.
Who was the first European explorer to sail around the southern tip of Africa? Ferdinand Magellan b) Bartholomeu Dias c) Vasco da Gama d) Jacques Cartier
Christopher Columbus set out to a) reach the Indies by sailing west across the Atlantic. b) reach the Americas by sailing west across the Atlantic. c) reach the Indies by sailing east around the southern tip of Africa. d) reach the Americas by sailing east around the southern tip of Africa.