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Presentation transcript:


starter What are the 4 sections needed for a 6 marker? Record your answers on a whiteboard.

6 mark structure Introduction- What is topic? Reasons for- Reasons against- Conclusion- Your opinion!!!

Aspire- Discuss, using examples, how the principles of training can improve the fitness of a group of GCSE PE students. Challenge-Identify principles of training and explain how they can improve fitness. Learning Outcomes

Principles of Training What are they?

Principles of training Specificity- focussed training on the needs of the activity/ area of fitness. Progressive Overload-gradually increasing intensity of workload. Individual differences/needs- personalised training plan. Rest and recovery- allowing time between training for sufficient rest and adaptations to take place. Reversibility- if you decrease levels of exercise your level of fitness will drop. FITT- Frequency, Intensity, Time, Type. Principles of training

Give examples of how each principle of training can improve fitness. TASK

Principles of training Specificity- focussed training on the needs of the activity/ area of fitness. E.g Sprinters use short rest intervals, working anaerobically compared to long distance runners. Improving relevant aspect of fitness for their activity. Progressive Overload-gradually increasing intensity of workload. E.g starting at 5KG increasing to 6KG when it gets too easy. Muscles adapt increasing strength. Individual differences/needs- personalised training plan. E.g Jo lifts 15KG compared to Mike’s 25KG as she is not as strong. If she lifts too much she could get injured. Rest and recovery- allowing time between training for sufficient rest and adaptations to take place. E.g Have training sessions on alternate days so body has time to recover/adapt and allow training again. Principles of training

Part C- Effectively applied (not arguments against this time) Read the question!! Must include examples of how to apply to fitness increasing. Can you think of any examples???? Against???

Progressive Overload- by increasing workload slightly minimises risk of injury- therefore can continue to train without fear. Progressive Overload- gradually increasing intensity causes body to adapt- increasing fitness. If injured by not applying progressive overload means you have to reduce training- therefore losing fitness. FITT- Frequency, Intensity, Time, Type- Start with 2 exercise sessions a week and then increase to 3 they have increased frequency- therefore bodies adapt to new level of training making them fitter. Effectively applied?

Discuss, using examples, how the principles of training can improve the fitness of a group of GCSE PE students. (6 marks) PLAN: Principles of training. Discussion of each principle and how it can improve fitness. Discussion and application to how they can be applied- examples! Conclusion-why are principles of training effective in improving fitness? Plenary

Aspire- Discuss, using examples, how the principles of training can improve the fitness of a group of GCSE PE students. Challenge-Identify principles of training and explain how they can improve fitness. Learning Outcomes