The ELA Games! A.k.a. “Berchick, are we done yet?” “No, we have to review for the final.”
What we are doing… Over the next two classes, we will be reviewing for the final exam through a series of review games. Each round will provide opportunities for points. The team with the most points by the end will receive 4 bonus points on their exam.
It is strongly suggested that you take out a piece of paper, and jot down notes throughout.
Show off your team posters! Psych Out Time!
Round #0: Bonus point round – Team pride Team with the best name/poster…3 points
Round #1: Narrative – Life Lines Each team will be given 3 cards with a red back. Berchick has matching cards with a blue back. When your card is called, your team must answer the question. 2 objectives: Not run out of cards (each card you have at the end is worth 5 pts) Have the most cards (another 5 point bonus) Stealing: If they don’t know it, or get it wrong, it’s up for grabs. When Mr. B. says “It’s up for grabs…now!” shoot up your hands to try to answer. If the 2nd team gets it wrong, they lose a card. It can be attempted to be stolen a second time.
Round #2: Grammar - Stump ‘Em You will be given a whiteboard and a marker. Mr. B will state a grammar concept. Your team will write a sentence with blanks (for either punctuation or words) You will then pick someone else from another group and attempt to stump them. If they get it wrong, three points for you. If they get it right, three points for them. There will be 9 of these.
Round #3: BONUS ROUND: What have you learned?!? The timer will be set for three minutes. In that time, on a large sheet of paper, your team will write as many things they have learned as they can. No one word answers. Must be facts, sentences, or phrases. (I.e. “A red herring is a logical fallacy where the arguer changes the subject.” 8 points for the winning team.
Round #4: Argument - Box of Death/Hot Seat Everyone will play in this round. When your name is called from the random generator, you have a choice: “Box of Death” or “Hot Seat” With Box of Death, you will pull out a challenge from the box and hand it immediately to Mr. B. After he reads it, you will answer the question while completing the task. With Hot Seat, you will sit in the seat with your back to the board. Mr. B. will write something on the board. Your teammates will offer 3 clues or examples to help you figure out the word. No “rhymes with…” or “starts with the letter…” or anything like that…immediately disqualification. If you get your challenge/word correct, +2 points. If you get it wrong, -1 point.
Round #5: Outliers - Trashketball Each team will be randomly given a question. A selected player will answer it. If they get it right, +1. They will then have an opportunity to shoot the trashketball into the basket from the +2 or +3 line. You can steal.
Tally of points so far The top three teams will now make it into the FINAL ROUND.
Round #6: The final round You will be given a sheet of looseleaf. When your group is given a bland sentence, you will rewrite it as a showing sentence. You will have 5 minutes. The three teams will submit them. Mr. B. will mix them up, and read the three answers. There will be a vote for the best of the three. That team will get 25 points. Example: Telling: The room was vacant. Showing: The door opened with a resounding echo that seemed to fill the house. Cob webs once attached flowed freely in the air as the open door brought light to a well worn floor. The light gave notice to the peeling paint on the walls and to the silhouettes once covered by pictures. The new air gave life to a stuffiness that entrapped the room. Faded and torn white sheets covered once new furniture now drowning in dust.
5 minutes starts…now!
The winner is…