Latitude and Longitude Types of Maps Remote Sensing Maps are flat models of three dimensional objects Cartography is the science of making maps Mapping Our World Latitude and Longitude Types of Maps Remote Sensing
Latitude and Longitude Lines of Latitude and Longitude are used to locate places on Earth Vocabulary Cartography Equator Latitude Longitude Prime Meridian International Date Line
Latitude Use imaginary lines that run parallel to the equator = Latitude Measured in degrees north and south of equator
The equator is the reference point for latitude and so is numbered 0 degrees latitude What are the poles numbered in degrees? North latitudes are north of equator South latitudes are south of equator
The Earth is 40,000 km at its circumference The Earth is 40,000 km at its circumference. If it is divided by 360 degrees, how many km is each degree equal to? About 111 km (70 miles)
To better locate, degrees (70 miles) are divided into 60 minutes (‘). That makes each minute about 1.2 miles Each minute is further divided into seconds (“) What is the distance of each second? 0.02 miles which is about 100 feet
Longitude Used to locate positions in east and west directions These lines are also called Meridians The prime meridian (0 degrees longitude) travels through Greenwich, England. This is the home of the Royal Naval Observatory West is from 0 to 180 degrees East is also from 0 to 180 degrees These 180 degrees meet at the International Date Line
Latitude lines are consistent (70 miles) Longitude lines vary with location They converge at the poles into a point One degree of longitude varies from about 70 miles at the equator to 0 miles at the poles
Time Zones Earth takes 24 hours to rotate 360 degrees on its axis Earth has been divided into 24 time zones, each representing a different hour Every hour the Earth spins 15 degrees (360/24 = 15 degrees) so each time zone is 15 degrees wide However, to avoid confusion, adjustments are made so cities are NOT split into different zones Travel east across the International Date Line, you lose a day Travel west across the line, you gain a day.