Agriscience Fair, National Chapter, 2017 Revisions: Agriscience Fair, National Chapter, CDEs & LDEs
Agriscience Fair Items to Note: Written Report Templates Directions Handbook Rubrics/Scoresheets State Awards Deadlines: June 1: Declarations due through (state staff) July 10: Certification due through (advisors) July 10: Applications and reports must be postmarked August 15: Special Needs Accommodation Form due (when applicable) August 15: Certification fee invoices mailed for national finalist projects September 1: Dual participation notification due September 15: Online waivers due for national finalists
National Chapter Award Program Items to Note: Handbook Pages 35-41 for application Rubrics/Scoresheets State Awards Form II Example Guide Deadlines: June 1: Declarations due through (state staff) July 10: Certification due through (advisors) July 10: Applications must be postmarked August 15: Special Needs Accommodation Form due (when applicable) September 1: Dual participation notification due September 1: Ticket request, plaque/spur request due
Agriscience Fair, CDEs & LDEs, National Chapter Items to Note Revision page Word document handbooks for state staff
Moved all team CDE’s to counting all scores CDEs & LDEs 2017 Reminders Career Development Events (CDE’S) and Leadership Development Events (LDE’s) Moved all team CDE’s to counting all scores 7th & 8th grader can compete in any CDE’s and LDE’s
CDEs & LDEs 2017 Reminders Change from a counting three members scores to a four members Agricultural Communications Agricultural Technology and Mechanical Systems Farm Business Management Horse Evaluation Nursery/Landscape Poultry Evaluation
Change to a three member team Meats Evaluation and Technology CDEs & LDEs 2017 Reminders Change to a three member team Meats Evaluation and Technology Name changes Farm and Agribusiness Management Employment Skills
Handbooks are located on under the CDE or LDE CDEs & LDEs Items to Note Handbooks are located on under the CDE or LDE State Awards- The declaration/certification system is now open on in state staff tool box Deadlines: June 1: Declarations due through (state staff) August 15: Special Needs Accommodation Form due (when applicable)
Dual participation notification due CDEs & LDEs Items to Note September 1: Dual participation notification due Certification due through (advisors) Online Uploads due for Ag Comm, Marketing Plan, Ag Issues, Prepared Public Speaking, Employability Skills State Speaking Judges form due State Staff Observation form due September 15: Online waivers due- Electronic Waivers Only
Agriscience Fair & National Chapter Contact Information Jenna Genson Education Specialist – Agriscience Fair/National Chapter Madeline Young Program Manager – Agriscience Fair/National Chapter Shared Email Boxes:
CDEs & LDEs Contact Information Jennifer Biesecker Program Manager – CDEs & LDEs Rebecca Carter Team Leader – Awards & Recognition Team Dale Crabtree Division Director– CARES Shared Email Box: