CLOCS Beyond London Kate Cairns, County Councillor Greg Gavin, Head of Neighbourhood Services 14th March 2017
On the Agenda The Route In Political Process Replicable & Relevant As County Cllr I have been able to raise this and get it on the agenda by raising the issue through the political meeting process at meetings such as the Cabinet Advisory Group. . . . . . . so although I am an active campaigner on this issue and a CLOCS Champion the route I have taken to raise this within Northumberland County Council can be replicated in any Council, by any Councillor. I don’t form part of the councils administration and am not part of the ruling party but this hasn’t been a barrier to getting it on the councils agenda and shows how replicable this example is
Northumberland Geographically about as far away from London as you can get in the UK without going to Scotland Demographically probably also about as far away from London as you can get too
Northumberland Northumberland is home to 316,000 people and covers an area of 5,013 km2 of which 96.7% is rural. The county is sparsely populated with 63 people per km² (England 411) across 166 Parishes. 51% of the population live in the 3% of urban land based mainly in the South East of the county Transport network: A roads 377km B roads 641km C roads 1,526km Unclassified roads 2,502km Road bridges 1,460 Bus stations 6 Railway stations 17 Footways 2,276km Public rights of way 5,078km
Traffic & People Construction Agriculture Forestry Commission & Logging Vehicles Mineral Extraction, Quarry Vehicles 2 National Trails & 5,078km public rights of way Cycle Tourism 2 Pedestrian & 1 Cyclist Fatalities involving collisions with LGVs (over the last 5 years, equates to 14% & 33% of total fatalities for road users) Construction . . . . . . . 2 of this country’s 16 National Trails run through Northumberland, Hadrian’s Wall Path & Pennine Way & there are miles of walking routes throughout the county In 2005 we hosted 2 stages of the Tour of Britain, the UK’s largest professional cycle race and we are playing host again in 2017 SO when it comes to large vehicles and vulnerable road users you have the same as you get in Camden construction & other traffic mixing with pedestrians & cyclists but obviously on a much smaller scale. But, different to Camden you also have hikers & cyclists enjoying our rural network, thinking they are in the middle of nowhere down some quiet country lane and the last thing they are expecting to encounter is a logging wagon or a quarry vehicle.
Traffic & People - Camden & Northumberland Different Demographics Same Fundamental Risk The risk of injury to vulnerable road users by lorries, a risk that rises with increased development & construction and in our case with increases in rural tourism. This is a nationally relevant risk that all areas of the country should be tackling, it is not just a London only issue
Our Approach NCC Fleet Planning Procurement As we are facing the same fundamental risks as Camden, we are unsurprisingly taking a similar approach to tackling them
NCC Fleet 670 Registered vehicles & plant, 95 lease cars & over 650 smaller plant 159 over 3.5t need to comply with FORS Standard, including: 51 Refuse Collection Vehicles (26t); 16 Haulage Vehicles with multi bodyswaps; 26 Dedicated Gritters and 34 Tippers & Pickups Our commercial fleet travels 6.5m miles a year using over 2m litres of fuel Some individual vehicles can cover 20 – 30,000 miles a year End of 2016 Council approved adopting CLOCS standard for own fleet & drivers Intention to apply for FORS bronze accreditation early in 2017 We are purchasing and retrospectively fitting side underun protection systems and additional Class 5 and 6 mirrors and intend to have this completed by the 1st June 2017. All new vehicles purchased from October 2016 in scope of the standards will exceed the bronze standard and will meet the requirements of FORS silver and CLOCS. All new in scope vehicles will have 360 degree camera systems and vehicles over 7.5ton will have the option of live camera feeds. Driver Training . NCC attended FORS “Going for Bronze” Workshop” in October 2016 facilitated by North East Combined Authority NCC hosting a national FORS Governance & Standards Advisory Group on the 6th April 2017.
Procurement Embedding CLOCS as part of the social value assessment in all major projects Contracts for any goods & services that involve LGV movements, asking can we include in PQQs a requirement that organisations need to have or be working towards CLOCS Options to embed CLOCS in our wider procurement activity, including potential adoption by our joint procurement framework with the NHS Supply Chain Issues a Challenge Joint P NHS – massive buying power across goods & services
Planning At an early stage but investigating potential in mineral site approvals Recent application for a mineral site & planning department applied a condition for a traffic management plan which included CLOCS (Template from Camden) Major land owners – leases for mineral sites Focus on the Operator for mineral sites works, not sure how to apply in other cases e.g. Waste site? Looking at how to embed CLOCS in our Planning Policy
Summary On the Agenda Different Demographics Same Risk Our Fleet Procurement Planning Good Practice Guide for Public Sector Bodies?