Stéphanie Chappuis Alexandre Clavel 703_e
Created by Arnaud Bertrand and Junjun Chen Launched in 2010 Worldwide offer, mainly Europe More than flat
Simplicity Social Media connection Wide offer Large Financing (Index Venture, Accel Partners,…) Good Advertisement 6 Languages
3 millions nights in 2013 Growing
Young people Families Modest revenues
1 st website in this segment in Europe (60-70% of global demand in tourism (Moules, 2013))
Tourists enjoy Authentic experience Getting value for money Get into a sharing economy (Vakaridis, 2013) Consequences on hotel market/lodging
Strengths of HouseTrip Founded by hospitality professionals Segment that was not existing in Europe Possible ameliorations App Encourage feedbacks
Gleize, S. (2013, January 14). HOUSETRIP - "Rendre la réservation de logements de vacances aussi facile que celle d'une chambre d'hôtel". Retrieved from entrepreneurs/ arnaud-bertrand-housetrip-rendre-la-reservation-de- logements-de-vacances-aussi-facile-que-celle-d-une-chambre-d-hotel Johnson, B. (2012, October 20). Meet the man whos beating Airbnb in Europe. Retrieved from Gigaom: man-who-is-beating-airbnb-in-europe/ Moules, J. (2013, June 24). HouseTrip appoints former Skype chief as chairman. Retrieved from The Financial Times: da7d-11e2-a feab7de.html (2013, July 22). Housetrip of a lifetime. Retrieved from TTC. (2012, December 10). De Skype à House Trip.. Retrieved from RTS: Vakaridis, M. (2013, July 12). Comète du web, Housetrip recrute lancien patron de Skype. Retrieved from Bilan: redaction/comete-du-web-housetrip-recrute-lancien-patron-de-skype