1pt 1 pt 1 pt 1pt 1 pt 2 pt 2 pt 2pt 2pt 2 pt 3 pt 3 pt 3 pt 3 pt 3 pt Eleanor M. Savko Definitions of Auditory Poetic Devices Examples of Auditory Poetic Devices Definitions of Cognitive Poetic devices 6/2/2018 Examples of Cognitive Poetic Devices Types of Poetry 1pt 1 pt 1 pt 1pt 1 pt 2 pt 2 pt 2pt 2pt 2 pt 3 pt 3 pt 3 pt 3 pt 3 pt 4 pt 4 pt 4pt 4 pt 4pt 5pt 5 pt 5 pt 5 pt 5 pt
Eleanor M. Savko 6/2/2018 What is a rhyme?
Eleanor M. Savko 6/2/2018 What is the repetition of vowel and consonant sounds at the end of words?
Eleanor M. Savko 6/2/2018 What is alliteration?
What is the repetition of initial consonant sounds? Eleanor M. Savko 6/2/2018 What is the repetition of initial consonant sounds?
Eleanor M. Savko 6/2/2018 What is rhythm?
What is a pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables? Eleanor M. Savko 6/2/2018 What is a pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables?
Eleanor M. Savko 6/2/2018 What is consonance?
Eleanor M. Savko 6/2/2018 What is the repetition of consonant sounds with different vowel sounds coming before it?
Eleanor M. Savko 6/2/2018 What is Assonance?
Eleanor M. Savko 6/2/2018 What is the repetition of vowel sounds with different consonantal sounds following?
Eleanor M. Savko 6/2/2018 What is Rhythm?
Boom, Boom, Bah is an example of what poetic device? Eleanor M. Savko 6/2/2018 Boom, Boom, Bah is an example of what poetic device?
Eleanor M. Savko 6/2/2018 What is a Rhyme?
Brown, town, clown, and frown are all words that________. Eleanor M. Savko 6/2/2018 Brown, town, clown, and frown are all words that________.
Eleanor M. Savko 6/2/2018 What is consonance?
Bake, duck, soak, pick, and epic are all examples of what? Eleanor M. Savko 6/2/2018 Bake, duck, soak, pick, and epic are all examples of what?
Eleanor M. Savko 6/2/2018 What is alliteration?
Peter Piper Picked a Pepper is an example of what? Eleanor M. Savko 6/2/2018 Peter Piper Picked a Pepper is an example of what?
Eleanor M. Savko 6/2/2018 What is Assonance?
Meek, beam, peace, and reap are all examples of what? Eleanor M. Savko 6/2/2018 Meek, beam, peace, and reap are all examples of what?
What is an exaggeration? Eleanor M. Savko 6/2/2018 What is an exaggeration?
Eleanor M. Savko 6/2/2018 What is a hyperbole?
What is the attitude of the poet? Eleanor M. Savko 6/2/2018 What is the attitude of the poet?
What is the tone of a poem? Eleanor M. Savko 6/2/2018 What is the tone of a poem?
What is Personification? Eleanor M. Savko 6/2/2018 What is Personification?
Eleanor M. Savko 6/2/2018 What is it called when human characteristics are attributed to a non-human?
Eleanor M. Savko 6/2/2018 What is a metaphor?
What is a comparison of two or more things using a form of is? Eleanor M. Savko 6/2/2018 What is a comparison of two or more things using a form of is?
Eleanor M. Savko 6/2/2018 What is denotation?
What is the literal or dictionary meaning of a word? Eleanor M. Savko 6/2/2018 What is the literal or dictionary meaning of a word?
Eleanor M. Savko 6/2/2018 What is a simile?
Life is like a box of chocolates is an example of what? Eleanor M. Savko 6/2/2018 Life is like a box of chocolates is an example of what?
Eleanor M. Savko 6/2/2018 What is onomatopoeia?
Sizzle, hiss, ka-boom, and zoom are all examples of what? Eleanor M. Savko 6/2/2018 Sizzle, hiss, ka-boom, and zoom are all examples of what?
Eleanor M. Savko 6/2/2018 What is imagery?
The warm gooey cookies made my mouth water, is an example of what? Eleanor M. Savko 6/2/2018 The warm gooey cookies made my mouth water, is an example of what?
Eleanor M. Savko 6/2/2018 What is mood?
Cheerful, happy, sad, and humorous are examples of what? Eleanor M. Savko 6/2/2018 Cheerful, happy, sad, and humorous are examples of what?
Eleanor M. Savko 6/2/2018 What is a hyperbole?
I’m as hungry as a horse is an example of what? Eleanor M. Savko 6/2/2018 I’m as hungry as a horse is an example of what?
Eleanor M. Savko 6/2/2018 What is a haiku?
What is a poem with three lines and 17 total syllables? Eleanor M. Savko 6/2/2018 What is a poem with three lines and 17 total syllables?
Eleanor M. Savko 6/2/2018 What is a limerick?
What is a funny poem with 5 lines that rhymes? Eleanor M. Savko 6/2/2018 What is a funny poem with 5 lines that rhymes?
Eleanor M. Savko 6/2/2018 What is a sonnet?
What is a fourteen line poem, that is usually about love? Eleanor M. Savko 6/2/2018 What is a fourteen line poem, that is usually about love?
Eleanor M. Savko 6/2/2018 What is a ballad?
What is a poem that tells a story and is usually set to music? Eleanor M. Savko 6/2/2018 What is a poem that tells a story and is usually set to music?
Eleanor M. Savko 6/2/2018 What is an elegy?
What is a poem that reveals a poets feelings about death? Eleanor M. Savko 6/2/2018 What is a poem that reveals a poets feelings about death?