Team Teaching for Student Achievement Scott Naill-HVACR Instructor Frank Harris-Science Instructor
14 Associate School Districts 15 Open-Enrolled Districts Anna Botkins Bradford Covington Fairlwan Ft. Loramie Houston Jackson Center Lehman Newton Piqua Russia Sidney Troy
25 Programs-12 Career Clusters
Innovation For The Students’ Sake!
Team Teaching Team Teaching Models Our Team Teaching History Benefits to Student Learning Team Teaching Dynamic / Challenges Science HVAC/R Curriculum How to Get Started
Team Teaching Models Co-Teaching – Working together to present the same information from a different perspective Lead Teacher / Student Facilitator – One teacher leads the lesson and the other teacher works with students individually as needed Lead Teacher / Prompt with Experiences – One teacher leads the lesson and the other teacher adds perspective and encourages student participation Group Learning and Station Teaching – One teacher presents information to smaller groups and the other works with them on hands-on activities
Team Teaching History Administration promoted academic teachers getting involved with Career Tech Programs 2007- developed and offered an accredited program for advanced and apprenticeship students included collaboration on teaching an Engineering course through Sinclair Community College for High School Students to get articulated credit 2008 - expanded into team teaching HVAC science during 1st period creating curriculum that would be applied and enhance the HVAC/R related class Nine years of development
Activity #1 What are some benefits of working in teams Write your thoughts down on a sticky note
Team Teaching- Benefits to Student Learning Dual perspective of disciplines to the lesson Teaching to multiple styles of learners Improves quality of planning by exchanging advice and ideas of co-teacher Improves quality of direct instruction through the dynamics of teacher collaboration While one teacher is directing the lecture the other teacher can add supplemental information that may be relevant to the individual student Co-teachers problem solve student learning weaknesses and discipline issues Co-teachers push each other for continuous improvement
Team Teaching- Dynamics Respect Loss of Control Planning- Must have time to meet outside of class Willingness to risk change and even failure- If you have a classroom that is working it may be hard try something that might have a negative impact Humility- Being humble with your co-teacher is one key to a good dynamic Open Mindedness- You must be willing to except new ideas from your co-teacher Imagination and Creativity- Healthy challenges to innovate and move each other forward Sincere interest in your co-teacher’s subject area Similar Disciplines
Team Teaching- Challenges Scheduling Planning/Prep Teaching Trust Respectful of co-teacher Never denigrate your co-teacher Accept short comings Admit mistakes Allow co-teacher to lead Similar Teaching Methods Grading/Discipline needs to be very similar
Team Teaching- Integrating Curriculum Discuss opportunities to Integrate Curriculum
Team Teaching- Group Activity How can you implement this in your school? What challenges will you face implementing? (common planning time/ teaching) How will this improve student achievement? Who could you team teach with?
Team Teaching- Getting Started Gain support from administration Meet with another teacher and discuss ways to collaborate (common ground) Start Small- Develop a short unit together
What Teachers Say About Working in Teams Promotes collegial dialogue and support Increases motivation to examine and improve instructional methods Helps improve instructional practice by sharing ideas, information, strategies, and materials Develops leadership skills Encourages self-reflection that challenges own assumptions, attitudes, and beliefs Shared Resources
Team Teaching- Home Energy Audits Schoology Study Trips Water furnace Carrier Student Achievement Fair
Edison Comm. College HVAC Certificate
Exit Ticket One new thing you learned? Two things you will put in place from this session? One person you can talk to next week to implement? A question you have?
Team Teaching Thank You Scott Naill- Frank
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