Initial Priority: Phase I. all derives from there Initial Priority: Phase I...all derives from there....Direct Student Technology Investments along the way.....remain debt free and maintain flexibility ( May 7, 2015) Clermont/Swift Admin/Class rooms Remove Modular $6,114,075 Smith Admin/Class rooms Remove Modular $3,808,750 Smith HVAC $2,000,000 Clermont add new Gymnasium & convert Existing gym $3,840,031 Providence -- 8 Classrooms (2 LGI Multi use) $3,597,000 Swift & Swift Auditoriums $4,319,219 + $5,731,172 = $10,050,391 High School Additions and Green house and AV Lab ($147K) $1,391,500 Quarryville Addition for new Primary wing and Enlarge Gym $5,484,669 Administration Building $5,341,875
Integrated Program Innovations over time—(May 7, 2015)
Entry and modulars and LGI’s 2015 Commit Phase I---2018 to 2019 Commit to Phase II Priorities for 2019 + clearer --- Safety, Program needs, Capacity, Economics.(May 7, 2015) HVAC Entry and modulars and LGI’s Cler/Swift/Smith Prov 8 rms Aud/Aud Cler Gym & 2 rooms
2015 Commit Phase I---Revised: Sept 2016 Commit to Smith including the Auditorium: Commit to Phase II for Cl/SW---Gym and/or Auditorium by late Summer or early fall of 2017. . 2016: HVAC at SW/CL Chiller, Colling Tower, Boiler; Smith Ed Pacs pilots (2); West Drive loop Swift/ CL 2017 Smith—New classroom wing Secure Office Entry and modular(s); computer labs and LGI & If possible do the east drip loop at Swift/Cl 2017? - Smith Auditorium 2018 Cler Gym & 2 rooms 2018 CL/SW Secure Office /Entry LGI, modular; renovated spaces 2018 Swift Auditorium Prov 8 rm Addition