FARMING TOOLS Tools, which help farmers in there farms to make field work easier Manual Tools - These are light tools used in field by hand Mechanized Tools – These are heavy tools, used in field with the help of animal & machines. By : Somaya Tyagi
SICKLE & HAND TROWEL Sickle is a hand tool with a curved C shape sharp blade used for cutting Grain & weed Hand Trowel is a hand tool used for loosening the soil around the growing plant.
MATTOCK & SHOVEL Mattock is a hand tool used to digging the field and Canals. Shovel is a hand tool used in removing trash, digging loose soil,
RAKE & AXE Rake is a hand tool used for cleaning the ground & leveling the field soil. Axe is a hand tool used for cutting bigger size post & trees
WHEEL BARROW & HEDGE TRIMMER Wheel Barrow is a Hand cart used for moving trash, manures, fertilizers, planting material in & out of field. Hedge trimmer is a big scissor used to cut & trim hedge & weeds.
HARROW & COMBINE Harrow is a mechanized tool attached with tractor and used for tilling and pulverizing the soil. Combine is used for harvesting the wheat crop. It is a combination of 3 sets – Reaping, Threshing and winnowing into single process.
TRACTOR & PLOW Tractor is a Farm Vehicle, which help in transporting crop from farm to other places, Also used in fields to pull heavy loads. Plow is an implement used to cut, lift, and turn over soil. It is commonly used to prepare the soil for planting.
PLANTER & MILKING MACHINE A planter is an implement used to place seeds in the soil at the proper rate, depth, and spacing A Milking machine is used to automatically take out milk from farm cows for commercial use