Chapter 1
Mr. Jones is the owner and farmer of Manor Farm.
The farm animals that live on Manor Farm are unlike other farm animals The farm animals that live on Manor Farm are unlike other farm animals. These farm animals can talk to each other!
One night, after Mr. Jones went to bed, all the animals who live on the farm decided to have a meeting.
At their meeting the farm animals talked about how they are treated and cared for on the farm.
The leader of the farm animals is a pig named Old Major.
Old Major tells the animals that they are suffering because of how Mr Old Major tells the animals that they are suffering because of how Mr. Jones and the farmers treat them.
Old Major tells the animals that Mr Old Major tells the animals that Mr. Jones takes everything the animals work hard to make, like the chicken’s eggs and the cow’s milk. Old Major and the other animals are mad that Mr. Jones does not give them anything in return after he has stolen and sold their things.
At the meeting, Old Major also tells the animals about the dream that he had the night before.
He tells that in his dream all of the animals were no longer controlled by humans and they were “free, happy, and well fed, and treated with dignity.”
After he tells the animals about his dream Old Major decides to teach the animals a song called “Beasts of England”. The song describes a world similar to Old Major’s dream. A place where the animals are in control.
All of the animals sing the song with Old Major. They end up waking up Mr. Jones because of how loud they are singing.
The animals do not want Mr The animals do not want Mr. Jones to know that they were having a meeting so they decided to go to bed.
Chapter 2
Three nights after the meeting, Old Major dies in his sleep.
The farm animals decide to honor Old Major’s dream The farm animals decide to honor Old Major’s dream. They decide that they are going to try to gain control over the farm so that they no longer have to listen to Mr. Jones.
Since the pigs were considered to be the smartest animals on the farm they decided to lead the rebellion.
Three pigs decide to become the new leaders of the animals.
Their names are Napoleon, Snowball and Squealer.
Together, the three pigs make new rules for the animals to follow Together, the three pigs make new rules for the animals to follow. They name the new rules Animalism.
At first, the animals have a hard time accepting Animalism because they are used to Mr. Jones being their master.
Eventually, the animals accept the ideas and rules of Animalism.
Once the animals learned to accept Animalism, Napoleon, Snowball, and Squealer work very hard to get the animals ready for the rebellion.
The rebellion starts much earlier than the animals expected.
The animals attack Mr. Jones and the other workers and chase them away from the farm. They also destroy a lot of the equipment the humans used to control them.
Much to the animals surprise, the rebellion works.
The animals decide to change the name of the farm from Manor Farm to Animal Farm.
That night, the animals sing “Beasts of England” as they enjoy a big dinner.
Chapter 3
The pigs are very smart. They teach themselves how to read.
The pigs also teach the animals how to harvest the fields and run the farm by themselves.
Every Sunday, the animals hold a flag raising ceremony to celebrate their success. The flag has a green background with a white hoof and horn in the middle.
During each Sunday ceremony, the animals hold a meeting to decide on what new rules need to be made for the greater good of the farm.
At the meeting, Napoleon and Snowball try to get the animals to agree to the rules that they think are most important.
Napoleon and Snowball begin to disagree over which rules are the most important. Since, they cannot agree on which rules to pass, Napoleon and Snowball are no longer working together as a team.
Chapter 4
Later that summer, the news of Animal Farm and its new leaders spread half way across the country.
Mr. Jones heard of the news Mr. Jones heard of the news. He decides to get some of his men together and go back to the farm.
Mr. Jones and his men fight the animals in an attempt to win back control of the farm.
Mr. Jones and his men are unsuccessful Mr. Jones and his men are unsuccessful. The animals still control the farm.
Snowball receives a medal for his heroic leadership.
Chapter 5
It is now winter. The animals decide to move their Sunday meetings inside the barn so they can stay warm.
Napoleon and Snowball continue to fight over which one of them has the better ideas.
Snowball thinks that the animals should work together to make the farm a better place to live in the future.
Napoleon thinks that the animals should worry about their own needs, not the future needs of the farm.
The different ideas that Snowball and Napoleon have start to divide the animals into two different teams. The animals that like Snowball’s ideas listened to him. The animals that like Napoleon’s ideas listened to him.
Squealer tries to trick all of the animals into believing that Snowball has turned into a criminal. He wants all of the animals to listen to Napoleon.
The animals believe Squealer. They decide to kick Snowball off the farm.
Napoleon becomes the leader of the farm.
After Napoleon becomes leader of the farm, the animals quickly find out that he had many of the same ideas as Snowball.
The animals do not like this but they believe Squealer when he says that Napoleon is a different and better leader.
Chapter 6
Napoleon wants the animals to build a windmill to help power the farm.
The animals are told that they will not get food unless the work on building the windmill all week.
The animals agree to all of the extra work.
Napoleon hires a human helper named Mr Napoleon hires a human helper named Mr. Whymper to help get tools for the Animal Farm.
The animals realize that their life now is just like the life they had when Mr. Jones was their master.
The animals start to think that Napoleon and the other pigs are breaking the rules of the Animal Farm.
Squealer lies to the animals and tells them that they are wrong, and the pigs are not breaking the rules of the farm.
One night a big storm destroys the windmill that all of the animals have been working on all summer.
Napoleon tells the animals that it is Snowball’s fault that a storm ruined the windmill.
Napoleon tells the animals that if they find and kill Snowball they will get extra food to eat.
Napoleon also tells the animals that they need to rebuild the windmill.
“LONG LIVE THE WINDMILL, LONG LIVE ANIMAL FARM!” The animals Napoleon and start fixing the windmill. Napoleon tells the animals “Long live the windmill, Long live Animal Farm!”
Chapter 7
It is now winter and it is hard for the animals to keep working on the windmill in the cold weather.
The animals are also running out of food.
Animal Farm is starting to fall apart.
To try and fix the farm, Napoleon starts selling everything the animals make. He sells the chicken’s eggs and the cow’s milk.
The animals are very mad that Napoleon is selling their things.
Some animals are mad enough to fight Napoleon.
Because of the fighting some of the animals die.
Squealer tells the other animals that this fight had to happen and that the farm will now be a better place. He has the animals sing “Beasts of England.” The animals sing along but they do not like this song anymore.
Chapter 8
The animals start to see that the rules of the farm are changing.
The animals that still live on the farm decide that they will not say anything about the changing rules. They continue to work on building the windmill for Napoleon.
The animals finish building the windmill The animals finish building the windmill. Napoleon and the other pigs celebrate by drinking alcohol they found in the barn.
The animals notice that the rule about drinking alcohol has been changed.
The rules of the farm keep changing but the animals decide that they should not say anything because they do not know what else to do.
Chapter 9
There is no longer enough food on the farm to feed all of the animals.
The only animals that have enough food to eat everyday are Napoleon and the other pigs.
Napoleon and Squealer tell the animals that is it important that the leaders of the farm get more food. They say it helps them be better leaders for the whole community.
Napoleon also tells the animals that they need to go to meetings everyday to listen to him talk.
At one of the meetings, Napoleon tells the animals that he is now President of the farm.
The animals begin to see how Napoleon has changed the farm The animals begin to see how Napoleon has changed the farm. They do not like any of the changes he has made.
They do not like President Napoleon.
Chapter 10
Time continues to pass and the animals are still very unhappy.
Napoleon, Squealer, and the other pigs are they only happy animals on the farm.
Even though the animals are sad living on the farm Even though the animals are sad living on the farm. They are proud that they no longer have to listen to humans.
One day, the animals notice that the last rule of the farm has been changed.
Napoleon tells the animals that they are all good, but some animals are just better.
The pigs are now very good friends with the other human farmers.
The other farm animals can no longer tell the difference between the pigs and the humans.
They now know that the pigs have become just like the humans They now know that the pigs have become just like the humans. They understand that even after all of the fighting that has happened nothing has changed.
The End.