Hands-on: CS, CEL and blender2crystal (by Pablo Martin) In this hands-on session we will build small games using blender2crystal to see how it can be used to make whole games. In this session you will learn: 1 - The basic design principles behind blender2crystal. 2 - A fast intro to making your Crystal Space maps in Blender. 3 - How to setup CEL based maps. 4 - Adding physics to your map. 5 - Assigning behaviours, templates, quests and triggers. 6 - Integrating xml and python scripting into the game. 7 - Making and managing big projects. 8 - The future.
* The basic design principles behind blender2crystal. - modular - objective: support full crystalspace and cel feature set - context help - not to be limited by blender limitations - accesible to artists yet full featured for pro's - still under development - try to implement suggestions (or open to discussion ;)) - make it usable without needing to compile anything.
There is also documentation!! IRC + forum support mainly * Webpage http://b2cs.delcorp.org Examples: http://b2cs.delcorp.org/examples There is also documentation!! IRC + forum support mainly
- run in walktest - different mesh types - cameras - sectors * A fast intro to making your Crystal Space maps in Blender. - run in walktest - different mesh types - cameras - sectors - skeletons - materials - working with terrain
* How to setup CEL based maps. - player, behaviour - camera - property classes - other entities - run on bootstrap
* Assigning behaviours, templates, quests and triggers. - xml and python behaviours - templates - quests - triggers
* Adding physics to your map. - colliders - other properties - hovers and cars... - how to run
* Integrating xml and python scripting into the game. - use your own folder. - edit from blender or outside.
* Making and managing big projects. - sectors - zones - other ways to do it (ecksdee, cc)
* The future. - full import - library reference - crystalspace view - crystalblend merger + full inside editor - normalmaps
* Questions - critics - suggestions please - how you want it?