Understanding and treating mental illness approaches Biological Psychopathology Understanding and treating mental illness approaches Biological Behavioural (learning) Cognitive
Biological mental disorders result of physical problems in brain (e.g.chemical) and genetic abnormalities Treatments Drugs ECT – Electro-convulsive therapy (‘shocking the brain’) Psychosurgery – removing abnormal parts of brain
Psychosurgery (old style)
Walter Freeman lobotomy..not for the squeamish like me..
Behavioural mental disorders result of faulty learning e.g. Little Albert The mind - a secret history Chapter 2 1m33 little albert abnormal behaviour can be explained by principles of operant and classical conditioning and social learning theory Therapies Systematic desensitisation Flooding Aversion therapy
Cognitive Model focus on person’s thought processes to explain abnormal behaviour problems due to distortions in cognitions or thinking(unrealistic, irrational ideas) Therapies Cognitive-behavioural therapy Changing way client thinks
Read page the handout Approach What causes mental illness? How can mental illness be treated? Key terms Biological Behavioural Cognitive
Case studies Person + symptoms Causes? Which approach? Treatments Sarah Agoraphobia Simon Schizophrenia Paul Social phobia Mary Claustrophobia Acrophobia
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