Seed Plants
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The reproductive part of a plant (contains the embryo) What is a seed? Return
Seed leaf (stored food in a seed) What is a cotyledon? Return
Tubes carrying water and minerals from roots to the rest of the plant What is the xylem? Return
The outer layer of a leaf What is the cuticle? Return
Outer layer of a leaf What is the epidermis? Return
Small pores in leaves for gas exchange What are stomata? Return
Reproductive structures of a gymnosperm What is a cone? Return
Reproductive structures of an angiosperm What is a flower? Return
Waxy material covering a leaf What is the cuticle? Return
Layer of cells in a leaf where most photosynthesis takes place What are palisade cells? Return
Part of the plant surrounding the pores on a leaf What are guard cells? Return
Small leaflike parts outside the petals What are sepals? Return
Transfer of pollen grains from the stamen to the ovules What is pollenation? Return
An example of a root that stores food What is a carrot? Return
Angiosperm seeds are enclosed in these What is a fruit? Return
Cedars are examples of these What are gymnosperms? Return
Food is transported through vascular plants in this. What is the phloem? Return
The tiny plant in a seed What is an embryo? Return
An example of a monocot What is corn? Return
Vascular tissue in leaves is found in this layer of cells. What the spongy layer? Return
The part of the flower that catches the pollen What is the stigma? Return
These have flower parts in multiples of 3 What are monocots? Return
These have netlike veins in broad leaves. What are dicots? Return
Vascular bundles are in rings inside of the stems of these. What are dicots? Return
Examples are oaks, maples, and watermelons. What are dicots? Return
These contain 2 cotelydons in the seeds. What are dicots? Return