Feedback on essays
Extensive reading Qualified RES essays are written for the award after reading books and/or news articles, website materials Book is a must on your reference list Include at least one book as well as a number of other reading materials e.g. Budget, website reading, editorials Insufficient to just refer to news articles alone
Essays: personal views Essays are personal views of different levels Bronze: personal views with reference to quotes or what is said in what you have read Silver: personal views on causes, reasons, effects or implication of what is read. Don’t repeat what is read because it is your views that count Gold: critical and insightful essays that explain and explore a phenomenon, a long term development, latest development, latest measures etc. Don’t repeat what is read. Your personal, critical views count in Gold Level essays. Be able to use different types of reading, different experts’ knowledge, different theories at this level Include a clear reference list Put down which level your essays are for Put down your name, class & class number