Exercise and the respiratory system


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Presentation transcript:

Exercise and the respiratory system Topic 1.2.1 Exercise and the respiratory system Keywords: Glucose - a simple sugar which is an important energy source in living organisms and is a component of many carbohydrates. Tidal volume: amount of air breathed in or out during normal breathing. Residual breathing: the amount of air left in the lungs after a maximal exhalation Vital capacity: amount of air that can be breathed out, after a deep breath in.

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The Respiratory System Teacher explanation The Respiratory System The harder and longer (intensity and time) the physical activity, the more oxygen is needed to keep the muscles working Harder longer physical activity also means more carbon dioxide is produced Working very hard may result in the body needing more oxygen than it can get, this is known as oxygen debt

Aerobic respiration Teacher explanation Enough oxygen will allow you to exercise for a longer duration only if the intensity is not to hard. The oxygen breathed in is diffused into the circulatory system. Breathing becomes more regular and deeper. Aerobic = extra oxygen Glucose + oxygen Carbon dioxide +water+ energy

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Short term effect Teacher explanation Oxygen inhaled regularly for aerobic respiration; tidal volume increases. Air exhaled to stop carbon dioxide. Gaseous exchange in the alveoli Waste water is released. Release of energy.

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The long term effect of exercise Teacher explanation The long term effect of exercise Diaphragm and intercostal muscles become stronger. As a result lung volume increases. Alveoli more efficient. Muscles can work for longer at a moderate level. Increase vital capacity. More Co2 leaves the body. More oxygen to the working muscles. Interval training results in oxygen debt During exercise the vital capacity shows a decrease whilst the residual volume increases .

Long term effects of exercise Teacher explanation New capillaries are formed. The heart muscle is stronger leading the delivery of oxygen to be increased which reduces lactic acid build up. .

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