Multi-track Faculty System Changes from Ver. 1.4.1 to 1.5 FACULTY SENATE Executive Committee Ver. 1.5
Changes from version 1.4.1 (Line numbers are reference Version 1.4.1) (Lines 218-221) On the Foundational Principle #15 bullet that regards Deans, Department Heads, or other administrators who hold a faculty appointment, delete the last sentence that reads "When they move into the faculty role, they will retain the faculty rank that they held when they left that role.” as that would technically roll back a promotion that occurred while the faculty member was acting in an Administrative role. The wording was intended to protect the rank of the faculty member but is not needed and does have unintended consequences.
Changes from version 1.4.1 (Line numbers are reference Version 1.4.1) Added a new Foundational Principle "16. In the case of faculty members who are hired after the Multi- track Faculty System is implemented, once their track has been finalized, the faculty member’s track cannot change until 3 years have been completed at FIT. This will provide stability to both the faculty member and the academic unit. However, if necessary, the faculty member’s academic leadership could institute a change of track before the three-year time period if the academic leader deems it necessary.”
Changes from version 1.4.1 (Line numbers are reference Version 1.4.1) Added a new Foundational Principle "17. Basic employment requirements for ranks of professors, irrespective of track, will be in accordance with the Faculty Handbook.”
Changes from version 1.4.1 (Line numbers are reference Version 1.4.1) (Lines 298-305) Regarding existing assistant professors, the language has been changed so that they do not have to go up for promotion in 2.5 years following implementation of the system. Now, the document states that existing Assistant Professors in the Traditional Track must go up for promotion in the 6th year following implementation of the system (following 5 complete years of service).
Changes from version 1.4.1 (Line numbers are reference Version 1.4.1) (Lines 321-323) Deleted the bullet that states, "Documentation regarding unsatisfactory faculty performance and the decision to change from a rolling renewal contract to a traditional contract will be documented in the employee’s file and maintained as long as the employee file exists.”
Changes from version 1.4.1 (Line numbers are reference Version 1.4.1) (Line 341-343) Changed the second bullet for Teaching Track faculty to read, "Faculty members in this track would be expected to be experts in their field in addition to being knowledgeable in delivering engaging, high-quality courses, and will demonstrate an active engagement with advancing pedagogy or pedagogical best practices.” Note that this language does NOT preclude someone from performing research in their field of expertise, but only indicates that faculty members in the Teaching Track will be concerned with and demonstrate action in the area of pedagogy or pedagogical best practices, which if they are a good teacher, they would be doing.
Changes from version 1.4.1 (Line numbers are reference Version 1.4.1) (Line 369) Deleted the position of Lecturer as this is a new position and creating would be an HR function.
Need Faculty do not have a clear path to promotion for either predominant teaching or research activities. Faculty have previously failed to be promoted because of their predominantly teaching role. Agreements between faculty and their academic administration are often verbal and can differ within or across academic units. We lose faculty during searches due to a lack of tenure. 2) Verified statements that a faculty excellent at teaching should and will not ever be promoted beyond the rank of Associate. 3) Agreements can become null and void if the leadership changes, and agreements can differ across faculty. Additionally, the rate of change of academic leadership is high enough that your current leader may not be present when you seek promotion. 4) Verified with multiple occurrences in multiple colleges within the past two years.
Purpose Provide for advancement of the university mission and for increasing the university rankings in coordination with the President’s publicly stated goals Reduce provisional agreements between faculty and the administration Create a formal framework whereby all faculty can be assured of a path for promotion Create faculty tracks that allow a smooth transition into a tenure system, if the university chooses to make such a change in the future With this system, while we will not have tenure, we should be able to attract high quality faculty whom we may have previously lost due to the lack of tenure Agreements (even longstanding ones) can become worthless when leadership changes Every faculty member will be ensured a path to promotion
What can you do? Talk to your Senator about your concerns, the parts you like, and the questions you have. Suggest changes. Don’t just complain. Take an active role! Help craft a system that will benefit our institution, the faculty today and of the future!
Questions? To submit questions, comments, or to make suggestions, contact