Queen Prime Minister Federal Gov’t Provincial Gov’t House of Commons Civics Canadian Government Canadian Government - Canada’s system of government is outline in The Constitution - The Constitution has two main parts 1. The British North America Act 2. Charter of Rights and Freedoms - 1982 - 1867 - Made Canada Totally Independent - Created Canada - Outlined Rights of Citizens - Outlined the Powers of Government Queen Prime Minister Federal Gov’t Provincial Gov’t House of Commons Freedom of Expression Freedom of Religion Rights when Arrested Right to Both Languages Equality Rights - The Constitution Outlines the Social Trade-off in Canadian Society Do Citizen’s Follow the Law? Do Citizen’s Get their Rights? Ex. Arrest
Civics Canadian Government Canadian Constitution - BNA Act set up our Government as a Federal State -- Federalism - Different Levels of Government - Different Powers at Each Level Federal Law-Making Powers Provincial Law-Making Powers Governor-General of Canada House of Commons Senate Prime Minister Lt. Governor-General Provincial Legislature/Assemby No Senate Premier Defence Criminal Law Foreign Affairs Currency Citizenship Immigration Health Care Education Local Roads Textbook Handout
Civics Canadian Government Canadian Constitution - At the time of the BNA (1867) Canada was 4 Provinces and less than 1 million people. - The Constitution has to recognized that Canada has/will change. Proposed Change: Cities - In local areas Provincial Governments created Municipalities to help deliver government services City of Kingston Town of Gananoque Township of South Frontenac Islands City/Town Council Mayor/Reeve Municipal By-Laws Garbage/Recycling Local Roads Recreational Services - Cities have very limited law-making powers, defined by the province. - Some suggest more change for Cities ie. Toronto’s needs more Lawmaking Powers (Article) Population of Greater Toronto: 6.4 million Provincial Populations
Civics Canadian Government Canadian Constitution - At the time of the BNA (1867) Canada was 4 Provinces and less than 1 million people. - The Constitution has to recognized that Canada has/will change. Change: Shared Powers - To make government more effective, sometimes governments will share their powers. Power Federal Provincial Municipal Policing RCMP OPP City Police Parks Banff Sandbanks Belle Park Taxes Income Tax Sales Tax Property Tax