The Watsons Go To Birmingham Chapter Activities Ch. 8-15
Chapter 8 Family Relationships
Vocabulary Civilization Vibrations Interpretation
Connection The Ultra Glide was closely associated with the period in which it was fashionable. References to the Ultra Glide in literature, for example, place it surrounding events in the early 1960s. Christopher Paul Curtis' story "The Watsons Go To Birmingham" refers to a specific Ultra Glide model, the TrueTone AB-700, that accompanies the title family, the Watsons, on a journey south during the Civil Rights Movement.
Connection Chapter 8 introduces the reader to a collection of songs that were popular during the Watsons’ time. Momma’s Favorite Song Kenny’s Favorite Song
Journaling In just a few sentences, pretend you are Kenny and summarize what happened in Chapter 8. Focus on the main parts of this chapter.
Character’s Perspectives When Dad first surprised the family with the new Ultra-Glide, what was Momma’s reaction? And why did she react in this way?
Exit Slip How does the author USE an historical account in a fictional portrayal?
Chapter 9 Culture and Conflict
Vocabulary Eavesdrop Peninsula Seniority
Journaling In just a few sentences, pretend you are Kenny and summarize what happened in Chapter 9. Focus on the main parts of the chapter.
Inferences Why did Momma and Dad make Byron sleep in their room the night before the big trip? What would have given Momma and Dad the impression that Byron may try to run away?
Character’s Perspectives How does Kenny really feel about sending Byron to Grandma Sands’ house for the summer. Why does Joetta like the angel that Mrs. Davidson gives her? Why would the color of the angel’s face be a problem for Joetta?
Chapter 10 Fears and Differences
Vocabulary Sanitation Facilities Amount
Journaling In just a few sentences, pretend you are Kenny and summarize what happened in Chapter 10. Focus on the main parts of the chapter.
Character’s Perspectives Why is Momma angry that Dad has not followed the driving schedule? Why do you think that Byron was so nervous about being near the Appalachian Mountains, especially in the dark.
Think- Pair- Share At this point in the story, with what character do you most closely identify? Why? What makes you similar to that character?
Family Dynamics and Perspectives Chapter 11 Family Dynamics and Perspectives
Vocabulary Rabies Surrender Pathetic
Journaling In just a few sentences, pretend you are Kenny and summarize what happened in Chapter 11. Focus on the main parts of this chapter.
Using Evidence from the Text Dad was acting strangely towards the end of the Watson’ drive. What evidence from the text lets us know that?
Character’s Perspectives How does Kenny feel about the way Bryon addresses Grandma Sands? Why would Kenny feel this way? Why wouldn’t he just be happy that Byron is behaving?
Quick Write Kenny was expecting Grandma Sands to look completely different from how she actually looked. Have you ever had a similar experience? How did that affect your impressions of that person. Explain.
Chapter 12 Community and Culture
Vocabulary Desire Yakking Interrupt
Journaling In just a few sentences, pretend you are Kenny and summarize what happened in Chapter 12. Focus on the main parts of this chapter.
Inference Who is Mr. Robert in relation to Grandma Sands?
Character’s Perspectives Momma asks Grandma Sands lots of questions about Birmingham. Why is Momma feeling so curious? Why would Momma disapprove of Mr. Robert living with Grandma Sands?
Chapter 13 Risk and Identity
Vocabulary Whirlpool Strange Electrocuted
Character’s Perspectives Kenny said that Byron was passing up an opportunity for another “Fantastic Adventure” when he chose to listen to a grown-up instead of going to Collier’s Landing. How does you think this made Kenny feel about Byron? Hoe did Kenny feel about himself?
Acceptance and Adversity Chapter 14 Acceptance and Adversity
Vocabulary Familiar Concrete Investigate
Journaling In just a few sentences, pretend you are Kenny and summarize what happened in Chapter 14. Focus on the main parts of this chapter.
Connection “The Ballad of Birmingham” Impactful narrative about a particularly tragic bombing that took place in the Birmingham- 1963.
Character’s Perspectives When Kenny first leaners that a bomb has exploded in the church where Joetta was supposed to be practicing her singing he just stands there looking stupid. Why would he react this way? Why do you think that Kenny imagined that he was having a struggle with the Wool Pooh in church when he was attempting to get the shiny black shoe?
Inferences Who was it that Joetta saw who waved to her and coaxed her away from church by laughing and running and having her chase him?
Courage and Compromise Chapter 15 Courage and Compromise
Vocabulary Automatically Wonder Embarrass
Character’s Perspectives Byron told Kenny that is wasn’t fair that even though the cops in Birmingham might know who was responsible for the bombing that most likely nothing would ever happen to the men. He said that things “aint ever gonna be fair,” but Kenny had to understand that was just the way it is and that you had to “keep on steppin’.” Why would Byron feel this way, and why would he tell this to Kenny?