Sharepoint Call Log Job Tool National Service Center Updated 11/29/2016
Table of Contents 1. Accessing Sharepoint 5. Call Log Instructions 2. Finding the Call Log and Wiki 6. Creating a New Call Entry 7. Looking up a Repeat Caller 3. Navigating the Wiki 4. Navigating the Call Log 8. Conclusion
Return to Table of Contents Accessing Sharepoint Sharepoint is the one-stop-shop for capturing caller information, reviewing referral resource information, and accessing Call Agent training resources. Go to Use your Red Cross email and password to log into Sharepoint. Below is an example of the front page. Return to Table of Contents 2
Finding the Call Log and Wiki On the left task bar, you will see options for both “Call Log” and “Wiki”. These two links are the most important tools for a Call Agent and Supervisor. Return to Table of Contents 3
Return to Table of Contents Navigating the Wiki Click on “Wiki” located in the left task bar. Each Wiki will have a different format but will house the same general information. Use the Wiki to understand the operation and provide resources to inquiring callers. The Wiki provides situational awareness to the Call Agent using real-time information. The Wiki includes operational updates, important resources referrals, and FAQs. Use the Wiki to access the “Daily Note” for new information from the Call Center Manager. An example of a Wiki. Note the list of resources for which callers will most likely ask. Return to Table of Contents 4
Navigating the Call Log Click on “Call Log”. Below is an example of the Call Log page. Return to Table of Contents 5
Navigating the Call Log (Call Agents) ALL CALLS ARE TO BE LOGGED IN THE CALL LOG. On the Call Log page, you will see a list of entries organized by “ID”. The entries will have a First Name, Last Name, Phone Number, Address, and Narrative. Some other topics may be required depending on the needs of the operation. Ask your Supervisor if you have any further questions about the Call Log. Call Agents work to record all of the caller’s required information. All fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required. Before you complete a call entry, remember to write down the caller’s name, phone number, and address on a piece of paper. Call Agents should do this in case a technical issue prohibits them from successfully entering the client’s information. Return to Table of Contents 6
Call Log Instructions (Call Agent) To create a new call entry: In the Call Log, on the top left sidebar, under “List Tools”, select “Items”. Then, under “Items”, select “New”. Under “New”, select “New Item” and the Call Entry window will appear. Return to Table of Contents 7
Call Log Instructions (Call Agent) The “Call Log –New Item” window will appear. All fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required. Remember to capture vital caller information on a piece of paper before recording it in the Call Log. This window is an example of a Call Log entry. Some requested fields may change based on the needs of the operation. Return to Table of Contents 8
Creating a New Call Entry (Call Agent) Mark if a client speaks a language other than English. Refer to the Translator Services Job Tool for information on how to connect a caller with a translator. Record client’s first and last name. Make sure you ask the client for the correct spelling. Record client’s mobile phone number. Ask client if they have an alternate phone number in case the ARC cannot reach them on their primary number. Record client’s street address, city, state, zip code, and county. Remember to record the phone number and address as accurately as possible. Ask the client to spell out any street names. Repeat the information to the client for accuracy. Return to Table of Contents 9
Creating a New Call Entry (Call Agent) Ask the client if their home is livable. By livable, we mean to ask if the client is still living in their damaged home. Check “Yes” or “No” depending upon their answer. In the narrative, write a brief description of the client’s needs and how you helped manage these needs (information, referrals, casework registration). Write out the client’s needs as accurately as possible. Per HIPAA regulations, DO NOT mention specific illnesses, chronic conditions, health or mental health conditions. Simply state that the caller has “medical/emotional needs that must be addressed”. Write your first and last name in the “Name of Call Agent” field. Return to Table of Contents 10
Creating a New Call Entry (Call Agent) Ask the caller if they have any functional access needs. Check “yes” or “no”. Needs: if they require a wheelchair or other apparatus, or if a family member has functional needs such as mobility issues, etc. Per HIPAA regulations, DO NOT note the specific functional access need in the Narrative. Ask the caller if they require any medical assistance. Check “yes” or “no”. Per HIPAA regulations, DO NOT note the specific medical need in the Narrative. Ask the caller if they require mental health assistance. Check “yes” or “no”. Per HIPAA regulations, DO NOT note the specific mental health issue in the Narrative. Return to Table of Contents 11
Creating a New Call Entry (Call Agent) Reunification: Ask if a caller is separated from/looking for a loved one. Check “yes” or “no” depending on their answer. If yes, follow the steps for a Safe & Well registration as found in the Safe & Well –General Welfare Inquiry Job Tool. Indicate Safe & Well registration in the Narrative. Check “yes” or “no” if caller has a donation, volunteer, media, or government related reason for calling. Indicate caller’s reason for calling in the Narrative. Check “yes” or “no” if caller has a complaint about the Red cross. Indicate the caller’s complaint in the Narrative. The rest of the Call Log fields are for Supervisors, SMEs, and other department follow up. Save the call entry at the bottom of the page. If a call entry does not allow you to save, ensure you have filled out all the required fields. To edit a saved call entry, click on the edit button to the left of the log ID. Remember the Call Log fields may change based on the needs of the operation. Notify your Supervisor if you have any further questions concerning the Call Log. Return to Table of Contents
Return to Table of Contents Supervisor’s Role: Supervisors monitor Sharepoint to ensure every call has accurate information. They may occasionally note something of importance that should have been handled differently and you may receive an email from the supervisor advising you how to handle an issue the next time it arises. Please do not take this personally. We need our information in Sharepoint to be accurate and complete. Always remember -DOCUMENT, DOCUMENT, DOCUMENT. Return to Table of Contents
How to Look Up a Repeat Caller (Call Agent and Supervisor) If a caller claims to have called the Service Center more than once, check for a repeat caller. Go to the Call Log and click on the drop down arrow under “Client Last Name”. Click on “Show Filter Choices”. Click the drop down arrow for “Client Last Name” and scroll through to search for your client. If you find your client’s last name, select the name. Verify the client’s given information with the information in the log. Click on the edit button located to the left of the log ID to open the log entry and edit the client’s information. Date and sign the updated log entry. Save the call entry. Return to Table of Contents 12
Return to Table of Contents Conclusion Congratulations! You have made it to the end of the Sharepoint Call Log Job Tool! You should feel comfortable: Accessing Sharepoint Navigating the Wiki and Call Log Filtering Calls Searching for Repeat Callers If you have any questions, please contact your Supervisor for more guidance or training. Return to Table of Contents 13