Dr. Larry Iverson www.DrLarryIverson.com Thrive—Don’t Just Survive! Managing Stress & Pressure So You Don’t Burnout Dr. Larry Iverson www.DrLarryIverson.com
Objectives Stress--Impact on Your Health The Staircase Effect Handling Irritation & Frustration The Burnout Syndrome Dealing with Burnout Winning All The Time.
On Self-Leadership…. “To every person there comes a time in life, that special moment, when they are figuratively tapped on the shoulder and offered the chance to do a very special thing, unique to them and fitted to his or her talent. What a tragedy if that moment finds them unprepared or unqualified for the work which would be their finest hour.” ~~ Winston Churchill ~~
Stress In Our Culture Psychosocial Stress in modern culture has grown to dangerous proportions Stress affects over half of all adults Stress-related psychological and physical disorders are the #1 social and health problem in the last decade Stress induced disorders are the most prominent illnesses in the developed nations including the US, Canada, most of Eastern & Western Europe, and Japan.
Some Illnesses Considered to Have a Stress or Psychosomatic Component Cardiovascular Cancers Strokes Sexual Dysfunction Ulcers Colitis Allergies Hypertension High Blood Pressure Insomnia Many Headaches.
Take Back Control Stress is a function of your reaction to change.
Human Brainwaves Cycles Per Second Beta 14+ CPS Alpha 9-13 CPS Theta 4-8 CPS Delta 1-3 CPS
Beta Brainwave Stressed Beta Brainwave Under Stress or Experiencing Pressure
Get a Grip The Holmes/Rahe Scale – Stress in the last 12 months can be a predictor of illness in the coming 12 months. Central to managing stress, pressure and frustration is learning to respond resourcefully, instead of just reacting to situations.
The Staircase Effect End of Your Day Start of Your Day
The Staircase Effect End of Your Day Start of Your Day
Internal Internal State Computations External Behavior
Feeling/Mood Internal Internal State Computations External Behavior
Internal Internal State Computations External Behavior Self-Talk Feeling/Mood Mental Images Internal Internal State Computations External Behavior
How Emotions are Generated Chemical or Hormonal shifts in the body Damage to the brain or central nervous system Self-Talk and Mental Images you create A change in/on your Physiology
Negative Self-Talk Generates Stress & Pressure Results of Negative Self-Talk: Worry, Anxiety & Panic Disorders Anger, Cynicism, Criticism Communication Breakdowns Feeling Overwhelmed, Pressured Fear, Guilt & Depression Low Motivation, Lack of Production Clouded Thinking, Slower Learning Lowered Vitality, Physical Illness.
Managing Your Self-Talk B+ C+ Calming A Choice Disturbing B- C- Actions Beliefs Consequences Experiences Self-Talk Emotion/Feelings
Managing Your Self-Talk B+ C+ A Choice B- C- Actions Beliefs Consequences Experiences Self-Talk Emotion/Feelings
State Computations Behavior Internal Internal External Self-Talk Feeling/Mood Mental Images Internal Internal State Computations Actions External Behavior
Burnout Burnout is a syndrome of emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and reduced personal accomplishment that can occur among individuals who do “people working” of some kind.
Aspects of Burnout Emotional Exhaustion: This is how drained or used-up you feel (can be mental or physical.) Depersonalization: This is distancing others to protect ones-self. It’s turning people into objects; this reduces the personal aspect of interacting. Personal Accomplishment: This is the level of fulfillment you receive from making a contribution to your objective, team or organization.
Primary Creators of Burnout Involvement with People The Job Setting Itself Your Own Personal Characteristics and Habits Rank these from 1 to 3 in the order they affect you—most to least. Why is that? Compare with other’s sitting by you.
Managing Your Self-Talk B+ C+ Calming A Choice Disturbing B- C- Actions Beliefs Consequences Experiences Self-Talk Emotion/Feelings
Winning All The Time Begin Move Do Act Fulfillment Win
Winning All The Time Begin Fulfillment Win Move Do Act (+) Self-Acknowledgement (+) Self-Talk Self Pats on the Back
Winning All The Time Begin Win Fulfillment Move Do Energy Confidence Act Energy Confidence Win Fulfillment (+) Self-Acknowledgement (+) Self-Talk Giving Self Pats on the Back
Your Homework Without review: 50% of information lost in first 24 hours 25% more lost in the next 24 hours Only 1% to 3% is all that’s retained after 7 days if not reviewed!!! Review today's material multiple times and think where and how you’ll use it. Take it in “chunks” for increased retention and integration.