Unit 1: Global Prehistory 8/27/2015 8:42 AM In the Beginning… Unit 1: Global Prehistory © 2007 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.
A few things to begin with… Dating Conventions and Abbreviations B.C. = before Christ B.C.E. = before the Common Era A.D. = Anno Domini (the year of our Lord) C.E. = Common Era c. or ca.= circa C.=century
The Development of Homosapiens
Human development Thumbs About 2 million years ago
Toes 1.3 million
Tears 60,000 years ago and this empathic reaction makes us unique amongst animals This expressiveness creates art
Prehistoric people had no written language: but they were not stupid. We Don’t Farm, Write, Live in Houses, Wear Clothes, or Invent the Wheel, but We Have Art Prehistoric people had no written language: but they were not stupid. Prehistoric time: Paleolithic: Hunter/ Gatherers Neolithic: organized settlements, farmers, raised livestock We do not know why they created; but it seems clear that they were not just decorative. Art had a purpose...
Why is Prehistoric Art Important?
Where will we find Prehistoric Art?
A little Vocab- You need to know these about EVERY piece Form – What the object looks like; How did the artist use line, shape, color, value, texture, form, and composition? Function- what is the object used for? Did that use stay the same or change over the years? Content –What is the object about? How does the interpretation change with different audiences? Context-Why was it made? When and for whom? By whom? How was it received?
Profile of an animal done in charcoal Several stone fragments found Apollo 11 Stones Namibia Paleolithic Africa 25,500 BCE Charcoal on Stone Some of the world’s oldest works of art, found in Wonderwerk Cave in Namibia Profile of an animal done in charcoal Several stone fragments found Named for the Apollo 11 moon landing; that was happening when the caves were discovered. Bovine horns or feline ears? Human back legs?
Lets Write down some Notes!
A little light reading…. Group 1 Group 2 Group 3
Where to Next ?
Bushel with ibex motifs Susa, Iran 4,200-3,500 BCE Painted terra cotta Found near burial site, but not with human remains Use of the potter’s wheel- Technology! Thin walls- Skill! Frieze of stylized aquatic birds on top, below stylized running dogs with narrow bodies Oversized horn, abstracted/stylized motif Clan symbol inside horns Made is Susa
Khan Academy
Where to Next ?
Jade cong, Liangzhu, China 3,300-2,200 BCE Jade
Jade cong, Liangzhu, China 3,300-2,200 BCE Jade
Jade cong Liangzhu, China 3,300-2,200 BCE Jade Circular hole cut in square Abstract design- main decoration is a face pattern Four corners usually carry mask-like images with pronounced eyes and fangs Jade appears in tombs of people of high rank Jade found in tombs; interred with the dead in elaborate rituals Later Chinese linked Jade with virtues- durability, beauty, subtlety Placed around bodies- some purposefully broken/burned.
Group Reading 1 2 3 Write down things you feel are interesting or important
What are possible reasons why these artifacts are so important What are possible reasons why these artifacts are so important? Do we have similar items in our culture?