CLIC module working group G. Riddone CTC, 20080429 20080429
Mandate DESCRIPTION (Jan 2007) The CLIC study is carrying out a number of specialized development programs of subsystems including high-power rf structures, micron precision pre-alignment, nanometer stabilization, beam instrumentation, active alignment and beam dynamics, vacuum etc. As these programs have advanced, an important priority is now to address the integration of the various subsystems into the CLIC module – the basic unit of hardware which will be repeated over ten thousand times along the length of CLIC. The module study raises feasibility issues, identifies areas needing study and design, addresses important aspects of cost and provides basic parameters for other areas of the study. MAIN TASKS Definition Overall layout, space hindrance, number of components and their position system integration (RF components, quadrupoles, alignment supporting, stabilization, cooling, vacuum, beam instrumentation..) layout of special regions (drive beam turn-around loops), Definition of the supporting system Definition of the cooling system Definition of the vacuum system Module integration in the tunnel, including module transport and installation (synergy with CE and S WG) Identify feasibility issues and critical points Estimate the cost 20080429
Members/organisation Meetings every two weeks on Mondays Sub-system reporting every 3 months Module reporting to the CTC 20080429
Systems Input/output from/to the other working groups: CE and S, Beam physics, stabilisation,… 20080429
Standard module DRIVE BEAM (100 A) 4 PETS, 2 quadrupoles with BPM Each PETS powers 2 acc. structures MAIN BEAM (1 A) 8 acc. structures Main beam filling factor: 91% Modules: 16547 Accelerating structures: x 143136 PETS: x 71568 20080429
Quadrupole type modules + Other types in special regions Type 1 (x 286) Type 2 (x 1328) 20080429 Type 3 (x 948) Type 4 (x 1440)
Status and Future plans Module configuration#1: first iteration with available input done new ideas for ac. structure design, in parallel detailed study for cooling, vacuum and supporting system underway Conf. #1 Conf. #2 20080429
Status and Future plans Started linac detailed “longitudinal” layout Jun 08 Started feasibility of module configuration#2: ac. structures in disks (super structures) and no sealed tank integration: 3Q 2008 Quadrupoles overall design: 3Q 2008 (on the critical path), detailed design: Jun 09 Vacuum system Supporting /alignment system Cooling system Beam instrumentation Updated tunnel cross-section for the two configurations Dec 08 (v1), Dec09 (fv) Dec 08 (v1) Jun 09 (v2) Dec 09 (fv) 20080429