WG2 - ARC TP#29 Status Report Group Name: oneM2M TP#29 Source: WG2 Vice-chair (SeungMyeong JEONG – sm.jeong@keti.re.kr) Meeting Date: 2017-05-26 Agenda Item: WG Reports
Items for INFORMATION 58 technical contributions, excluding revisions 19 are agreed expecting many revisions to the upcoming meetings progress on Enhancements for Release 3 and maintenances Vehicular domain enablement Transaction support 3GPP SCEF Group multicast Interworking including Proximal IoT, OSGi, OPC-UA, Modbus Heterogeneous identification oneM2M features etc.
Items for INFORMATION TS-0001 – Functional Architecture 15 agreed Change Requests CR Pack in TP-2017-0070 Agreed (new) key-value pair query in Filter Criteria (new) contentSerialization information in <remoteCSE> and <CSEBase> resources (clarifications) distributed authorization resources and procedures Noted timeSeries/timeSeriesinstance as children of other resource types service enabled AE, which hosts onem2M resources <schedule> resource MNT (agreed in principle) <eventConfig> resource STE group notification aggregation clarification etc. Postponed a lot
Items for INFORMATION TS-0033 – Evolution to Proximal IoT Interworking (WI-0056) 1 contribution agreed the principle that oneM2M native and non-native devices will be represented in the same resource structure TS-0026 – 3GPP Interworking (WI-0058) Nothing is agreed This is why we need an ad-hoc meeting TR-0018 – OPC-UA Interworking (WI-0059) the conclusion, which is impacts, is made the way forward would be dedicated TS later TR-0020 – Service Transactions & SL Context (WI-0034) a new harmonized solution of existing 3 candidate solutions
Items for INFORMATION TR-0026 – Vehicular Domain Enablement (WI-0046) no agreed contribution due to time limitation TR-0028 – OSGi Interworking (WI-0048) no agreed contribution, but had a discussion TR-0043 – Modbus Interworking (WI-0072) 1 contribution agreed, which is interworking scenario this is also heavily correlated to proximal IoT interworking TR-0044 – Heterogeneous Identification Service (WI-0069) 4 contributions agreed for the TR
Items for DECISION Approve the CR Pack Rel-1 maintenance TP-2017-0138 ARC29_TS-0001_CR_Pack Rel-1 maintenance WG3 is not doing the maintenance for Rel-1, however WG2 is still doing it Should we stop this? If we keep doing MNT, there will be gaps between two groups in Rel-1 deliverables
Items for DECISION Have the WG2 F2F ad-hoc meeting around TP#30 (10th~14th Jul.) ad-hoc meeting WITHOUT any decision makings members who cannot attend physically will have a change to participate online wrap-up session through go2meeting per meeting day will be prepared topics candidates interworking including proximal IoT, generic, OPC-UA, Modbus, etc. 3GPP SCEF including UE reachability, location, etc. location candidates Huawei office in Dallas, InterDigtial office in Philadelphia, or TP#30 venue in Memphis date candidates before TP#30 (preferred): 5~7 (Wed.~Fri.), 8~9 (weekend) after TP#30: 15~16 (weekend), 17~19 (Mon.~Wed.) announcement should be sent out ASAP location/date will be selected considering host/participants availability (e.g. doodle)
Next Meetings / Calls ARC 29.1 Conf. call 2017-06-08 (Thu.) 13:00 – 14:30 UTC ARC 29.2 Conf. call 2017-06-15 (Thu.) 13:00 – 14:30 UTC ARC 29.3 Conf. call 2017-06-29 (Thu.) 13:00 – 14:30 UTC ARC 29.2 is ARC/PRO joint call ARC ad-hoc F2F ARC 30.0 F2F in Memphis, USA 2017-07-10 ~ 07-14