Colloquium-I on By Gourav Kumar Vani Impact of MGNREGP on Livelihood Security in Bijapur District of Karnataka -A SAM Analysis. By Gourav Kumar Vani PALB-2103 Major Advisor Sri P. S. Srikantha Murthy
INTRODUCTION MGNREGP is the flagship programme of GOI is a significant intervention for employment generation. Launched on 2nd February 2006 in the 200 most backward districts of India under the National Rural Guarantee Act 2005. Objective to provide Livelihood security in rural areas by providing 100 days of wage employment. Creation of demand driven durable assets for rural areas Strengthening the natural resource base of rural poor. Reducing migration of rural people
2. The wage differential between MGNREGA and Market is significant. Objective Hypotheses Analytical Tool s 1.To estimate the impact of MGNREGP on employment and income generation. MGNREGP is providing the institutional employment guarantee for the rural families. 2. The wage differential between MGNREGA and Market is significant. Student’s t test 2. To estimate the income and employment multipliers. Multiplier effect of MGNREGA on household sector is higher than that in other sectors in the village economy. Social Accounting Matrix
3. To analyze gender, age and other social dimensions of MGNREGP. +- Hypotheses Analytical Tool s 3. To analyze gender, age and other social dimensions of MGNREGP. Female worker participation is relatively higher than male worker participation resulting in differential gains in employment and income Marginalized sections have not benefited significantly. Aged worker participation (above 50 yrs) is relatively higher than young worker participation MGNREGP has reduced migration of rural workers. Non parametric tests,
Natural resource conservation is predominant under MGNREGP. Objective Hypotheses Analytical Tool s 4. To estimate the asset creation and benefit derived from the assets created. Natural resource conservation is predominant under MGNREGP. Private asset creation is marginal under MGNREGP Case studies
STUDY AREA Study Area: Markabbinahalli of Basavana Bagevadi Taluka in Bijapur District of Karnataka. VDSA project of ICRISAT, the funding agency, is in operation in that village. Cotton, Pigeon pea, Onion, Chickpea, Sorghum, Sunflower, Wheat , the major crops in Markabbinahalli are also the ICRISAT mandate crops
Crops cultivated in Markabbinahalli Total geographical area 1001.36 ha Annual Rainfall 626 mm Area under cultivation 936 ha Kharif crops Cotton, Pigeon pea, Onion. Rabi crops Chickpea, Sorghum, Sunflower, Wheat.
Sampling procedure: Simple random sampling . Data collection: The primary data shall be collected from randomly selected 30 MGNREGP participants and 30 MGNREGP non participants using structured questionnaire. The secondary data pertaining to MGNREGP works undertaken, village statistics shall be collected from Gram / Taluka Panchayat Offices. Collaboration with other Departments / Institutions / Organizations and Fellow Scientists This research work is being taken up as part of CGIAR Research Project-2 and is funded by ICRISAT.
Works completed in MB-Halli MGNREGP
MB-Halli village view