The Continuum of Interventions in a 3 Tier Model


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Presentation transcript:

The Continuum of Interventions in a 3 Tier Model Oakland Schools 3 Tier Literacy Leadership Team Training November 2009

TIER THREE TIER TWO TIER ONE High Quality Data-Driven Intensive, Diagnostic Intervention An explicit problem-solving process with diagnostic assessment to develop an intensive instructional plan with frequent progress monitoring. TIER TWO Strategic Interventions Slow responders to Tier One Instruction receive Tier Two Strategic / Supplemental intervention and progress monitoring. TIER ONE High Quality Data-Driven Classroom Instruction Universal screening and data-based instructional problem solving to differentiate instruction to meet the needs of all learners. Problem Solving occurs at all Tiers of Instruction Special and General education staff work collaboratively at all tiers

Data-Driven Instructional Decision-Making Model for 3 Tiers The problem is common for more than 20% of students. The severity of the problem is greater for some learners. Problem analyzed on system level Yes Yes or No 80% Yes No > 5% or an identified group has a special need for the service. No Yes The problem is common for more than 5% of students or for an identified group. Problem analyzed on a group level Yes 15% No The problem is rare and/or specific to a particular student. Problem analyzed on an individual level 5% Yes

WHAT IS A TIER OF INTERVENTION? Layers of intervention responding to student needs Each tier provides more intense intervention Aimed at preventing reading difficulties TIER I TIER II TIER III

TIER I: CORE CLASSROOM INSTRUCTION Tier I is comprised of three elements: core reading program benchmark testing of students to determine instructional needs at least three times per year ongoing professional development TIER I TIER I

TIER I: CORE CLASSROOM INSTRUCTION Focus For all students in K through 3 Scientific-based reading instruction and curriculum emphasizing the five critical elements of beginning reading Program Grouping Flexible grouping; all grouping formats used Time 90 minutes per day or more Benchmark assessment at beginning, middle, and end of the academic year Assessment Interventionist General education teacher Setting General education classroom

The Continuum of Interventions in a 3 Tier Model Is our Tier I Core Program Sufficient? Collect universal screening data. Enter, organize, summarize and display data. Determine the acceptable percentage of proficiency. Identify the percentage of students who are proficient ? not proficient. Make a comparison. Fork in the Road: Determine what worked? Does anything need to be done with the core programming?

The Continuum of Interventions in a 3 Tier Model Consider Tier I Interventions Begin with differentiating and scaffolding the core Implement research-validated practices in Tier 1 (examples) Pre-teaching Re-teaching More active responding Choral Responding Response Cards Dry Erase Boards More guided practice and feedback Peer Assisted Learning Strategies Partner Responding Peer Tutoring Controlling instructional materials Structuring and scaffolding academic tasks

TIER II: SUPPLEMENTAL / STRATEGIC INSTRUCTION Tier II is small-group supplemental instruction in addition to the time allotted for core reading instruction. Tier II includes programs, strategies, and procedures designed and employed to supplement, enhance, and support Tier I. TIER II

Interventions: Current State Dimensions Tier II Tier III Focus / Grade Level Program Grouping Time Frequency Duration Assessment Interventionist Setting

SUPPLEMENTAL / STRATEGIC INSTRUCTION TIER II: SUPPLEMENTAL / STRATEGIC INSTRUCTION Focus For students identified with marked reading difficulties, and who have not responded to Tier I efforts Program Specialized, scientifically based reading program(s) emphasizing the five critical elements of beginning reading Grouping Homogeneous small group instruction (1:3, 1:4, or 1:5) Time Minimum of 30 minutes per day in small group in addition to 90 minutes of core reading instruction Assessment Progress monitoring twice a month on target skill to ensure adequate progress and learning Interventionist Personnel determined by the school (e.g., a classroom teacher, a specialized reading teacher, an external interventionist) Setting Appropriate setting designated by the school; may be within or outside of the classroom

TIER II: SUPPLEMENTAL / STRATEGIC INSTRUCTION When should Tier II instruction start? Tier II instruction starts as soon as possible after students have been identified through benchmark testing. How long is a round of Tier II instruction? One round of Tier II instruction lasts 10 to 12 weeks (approx. 50 sessions). After the first 10- to 12-week round of Tier II instruction, a decision should be made about the student’s instructional needs. The options to be considered include: exiting Tier II instruction another round of Tier II instruction entrance to Tier III instruction for intensive intervention referral for special services (dyslexia, 504, etc.)

The Continuum of Interventions in a 3 Tier Model Determine the Need for Tier 2 Interventions List students for whom the core instruction is not sufficient. Determine what specific supplemental instruction is needed? Group students with similar instructional needs. Identify current resources to match instructional needs. Identify additional resources needed to match instructional needs. Determine how supplemental instruction will be delivered? Decide who will provide instruction. Decide when, where and how often instruction will occur. Determine how treatment integrity will be monitored

The Continuum of Interventions in a 3 Tier Model Tier 2 Intervention Options Strategic FLEXIBLE groupings of students with like needs Materials from the Core or aligned with the core Supplemental Standard Protocol Interventions PA DI Phonics / Decoding Reading Fluency Evaluate the Effectiveness of Tier 2 Interventions Establish Criteria Choose Measures Collect Data and evaluate results

TIER II: SUPPLEMENTAL / STRATEGIC INSTRUCTION What should Tier II instruction look like? Tier II Instruction requires: systematic and explicit instruction with modeling, multiple examples, and feedback to students pacing to match each student’s skill level providing students with multiple opportunities to participate and respond providing students with corrective feedback Tier II interventionists coordinate with the general education classroom teacher so that Tier II instruction can be used to pre-teach and review skills.

TIER III: INTENSIVE INTERVENTION Tier III is intensive, strategic, supplemental instruction and often considerably longer in duration than the 10-20 weeks of supplemental instruction provided in Tier II. Tier III is specifically designed and customized small-group reading instruction that is extended beyond the time allocated for Tier I and Tier II. TIER III

TIER III: INTENSIVE INTERVENTION Focus For students with marked difficulties in reading and who have not responded adequately to Tier I and Tier II efforts Program Sustained, intensive, scientifically based reading program(s) emphasizing the critical elements of reading for students with reading difficulties/disabilities Grouping Homogeneous small group instruction (1:3) Minimum of two 30-minute sessions per day in small group in addition to 90 minutes of core reading instruction. Time Progress monitoring weekly on target skill to ensure adequate progress and learning Assessment Personnel determined by the school (e.g., a classroom teacher, a specialized reading teacher, an external interventionist) Interventionist Setting Appropriate setting designated by the school

TIER III: INTENSIVE INTERVENTION How are students selected for Tier III instruction? There are three ways: If a student has participated in two rounds of Tier II instruction and has not made sufficient progress even after adjustments to instruction. If after receiving only one round of Tier II instruction because the student shows a marked lack of progress and further Tier II instruction is deemed insufficient to put him/her back on track. A student who has received previous Tier III instruction and has exited may re-enter Tier III as needed.

HOW DO TIER II AND TIER III DIFFER? Tier II instruction Tier III instruction Daily instruction Minimum of 30 minutes (+ Tier I) Minimum of 30 minutes twice a day (+ Tier I) Duration 10 - 12 weeks (1 or 2 rounds) Often considerably greater than 10-12 weeks Group size 1: 3 to 5 1:3, 1:2, 1:1 Ongoing progress monitoring every 2 weeks every 1-2 weeks

Assessment: Progress Monitoring Benchmarks Tier I Intervention Yes Yes Yes Assessment: Progress Monitoring Benchmarks mastery Grade Level Learners Struggling Learners no mastery who have experienced: Tier I Intervention & Tier II Intervention A —10-12 weeks 1 2A No previous Tier II Intervention Tier I Intervention & Tier III Intervention 1 2A 2B 3 Both Tier II Interventions A & B or Tier I Intervention & Tier II Intervention B —10-12 weeks 1 2A 2B Tier II Intervention A only No No Meet Exit Criteria Meet Exit Criteria Meet Exit Criteria

Key Elements of Effective Intervention Systems Well trained teachers who understand the process of learning to read and how to identify children lagging behind in literacy development. Systematic and reliable assessments to monitor the growth of critical reading skills. Leadership within the school to allocate intervention resources appropriately and to monitor the use of those resources. Appropriate materials available to help structure interventions and provide instruction and practice activities at the appropriate level of difficulty. Personnel to assist the classroom teacher in providing intensive interventions to the students most in need.

Interventions: Desired State Dimensions Tier II Tier III Focus / Grade Level Program Grouping Time Frequency Duration Assessment Interventionist Setting

Evaluating Interventions: Team Self Assessment Tools Core Instruction Team Self Assessment Intervention Planning Process Tool See Handouts.