Child find Wayne t. stewart, j.d., ph.d. © 2017 Hammmons, Sills, Adkins & Guice, LLP. For Educational Purposes Only. 8/23/2017 Child find Wayne t. stewart, j.d., ph.d. jefferson parish school board – august 23, 2017
School building level committee (Sblc) © 2017 Hammmons, Sills, Adkins & Guice, LLP. For Educational Purposes Only. 8/23/2017 School building level committee (Sblc) The SBLC is a general education-based, decision-making team that reviews and analyzes academic and behavioral data to develop instructional and disciplinary strategies for addressing student needs.
SBLC Responsibilities © 2017 Hammmons, Sills, Adkins & Guice, LLP. For Educational Purposes Only. 8/23/2017 SBLC Responsibilities Standing committee members Principal or designee; Classroom teacher; and, Referring teacher. A representative from pupil appraisal should participate if a student is being considered for an evaluation. The SBLC is responsible for coordinating and documenting the results of all screening activities
Child Find Mirror-like responsibilities under IDEA and Section 504 © 2017 Hammmons, Sills, Adkins & Guice, LLP. For Educational Purposes Only. 8/23/2017 Child Find Mirror-like responsibilities under IDEA and Section 504 General obligation under these federal laws to identify, evaluate, and provide services to children with disabilities (enrolled or not) Active & Ongoing (that is, it’s more than walk-ins)
Sblc & IDEA / Bulletin 1508 Suspicion © 2017 Hammmons, Sills, Adkins & Guice, LLP. For Educational Purposes Only. 8/23/2017 Sblc & IDEA / Bulletin 1508 Suspicion Any student who is suspected to have a qualifying disability and be in need of special education and related services should be referred for a Bulletin 1508 evaluation, and, if determined eligible, be offered and (if accepted) receive services via an IEP Any student who is suspected to be Gifted or Talented (visual arts, theater, music) and be in need of special education and related services should be referred for a Bulletin 1508 evaluation, and, if determined eligible, be offered and (if accepted) receive services via an IEP
© 2017 Hammmons, Sills, Adkins & Guice, LLP © 2017 Hammmons, Sills, Adkins & Guice, LLP. For Educational Purposes Only. 8/23/2017 Sblc & 504 Suspicion SBLC may not suspect a student of having a disability requiring specialized instruction per the IDEA; however, this is not an all or nothing proposition Any student suspected of having a physical or mental impairment that limits a major life activity should be referred for possible 504 evaluation; and, if determined eligible and necessary, receive services via a 504 Plan
© 2017 Hammmons, Sills, Adkins & Guice, LLP © 2017 Hammmons, Sills, Adkins & Guice, LLP. For Educational Purposes Only. 8/23/2017 “twice Exceptional” A student MAY be both Gifted or Talented AND have a disability under IDEA or Section 504 Student who is Gifted or Talented + IDEA disability => ONE IEP for G/T & IDEA disability Student who is Gifted or Talented + 504 disability => IEP for G/T & 504 Plan for 504 disability
Door #3: La. Dyslexia laws © 2017 Hammmons, Sills, Adkins & Guice, LLP. For Educational Purposes Only. 8/23/2017 Door #3: La. Dyslexia laws Louisiana laws specifically addressing “Dyslexia and Related disorders” "Dyslexia shall be defined as a language processing disorder which may be manifested by difficulty processing expressive or receptive, oral or written language despite adequate intelligence, educational exposure, and cultural opportunity. Specific manifestations may occur in one or more areas, including difficulty with the alphabet, reading comprehension, writing, and spelling.” (La. R.S. 17:7(11)(d)(i)) "Related disorders shall include disorders similar to or related to dyslexia such as developmental auditory imperception, dysphasia, specific developmental dyslexia, developmental dysgraphia, and developmental spelling disability.” (La. R.S. 17:7(11)(d)(ii))
Door #3: La. Dyslexia laws © 2017 Hammmons, Sills, Adkins & Guice, LLP. For Educational Purposes Only. 8/23/2017 Door #3: La. Dyslexia laws Actions required under La. R.S. 17:392.1(B): (1) Every child in public school in grades kindergarten through third shall be screened, at least once, for the existence of impediments to a successful school experience. No child shall be screened if his parent or tutor objects to such screening.
Door #3: La. Dyslexia laws © 2017 Hammmons, Sills, Adkins & Guice, LLP. For Educational Purposes Only. 8/23/2017 Door #3: La. Dyslexia laws (2) Such impediments shall include: (a) Dyslexia and related disorders, as defined in R.S. 17:7(11). (b) Attention deficit disorder. (c) Social and environmental factors that put a child "at risk" as that term has been defined by the state Department of Education, pursuant to R.S. 17:7.5(A). (3) In doing such screenings, a priority shall be placed on screening any student referred for screening, pursuant to R.S. 17:7(11); however, if a child is so referred, a screening for all other impediments shall be done at the same time.
Door #3: La. Dyslexia laws © 2017 Hammmons, Sills, Adkins & Guice, LLP. For Educational Purposes Only. 8/23/2017 Door #3: La. Dyslexia laws Actions required: Referral to SBLC for those suspected (La. R.S. 17:7(11)(a); La. R.S. 17:2112) If after testing/assessment, the student is dyslexic or has a related disorder: student shall receive an “appropriate multi-sensory, intensive phonetic, synthetic to analytic phonics, linguistic, meaning based, systematic, language based regular education program.” (La. R.S. 17:7(11)(b))