+ Undergraduate Conference + Open invitation to seminars Student Knowledge, Appreciation and Experience of Research in the School of Engineering. Dr Claire Lucas, Disha Naik, Yung-Yu Lau Motivation: “Our Students Do Not Know What We Do” “After the open day I never saw or heard about the research labs again” – Finalist Year 3 Project Year 4 Project Open Day Research-led Teaching Research progresses at the boundaries and overlaps between disciplines. Following a common-two years of material defined by the QAA subject benchmark, 3rd and 4th year teaching is allowed to strategically, thematically & operationally align with the research streams. This is deemed to be a significant benefit of a research-led Russell-Group education. (C Lucas) “I would like to know more about the research being done to help me choose a project” – Third Year Student “I would like to see more experimental research projects” – External Examiner ”The department does not give me any information about research or PhD funding” finallist Weekly Seminar Research Webpage Matched Funding URSS & WMG Internships Method: Survey and Interview Undergraduate Students 215 Survey Responses “I was able to learn so much for myself” Thoughts A “I know about the different research themes within Warwick” 76% Disagree B “The department gives me a lot of information about different research themes within Warwick” 85% Disagree C "I know what area of research I would like to do for my final year dissertation/project" 66% Disagree D “I proactively attend different research seminars” 86% Disagree E “I would be interested in attending a mini research rotation to learn more.” 86% Agree F “I would be interested in learning different research skills” 89% Agree G “I would like to attend more demonstrations and seminars within different areas of research” 88% Agree H “I am interested in a career in research” 40% Agree 8 Student Interviews “It focused on project deliverables rather than learning outcomes” ”These skills will help me in my degree” Interested in a career in research 40% “I do not know how to get a PHD, the University Careers page puts me off” summer research intern University Careers Page Action: Initiatives for School of Engineering 12 Student Internships + Undergraduate Conference The summer research internship is akin to the best problem based learning experience (C Lucas) + Open invitation to seminars + PhD Careers Support + PHD Taster Days + Project Skills Sessions