Virtual Science Fair Celebrating Our Virtual Science Fair Projects iLearn Elementary Science Session 8
Focusing Questions • How can students learn to make constructive comments and fairly judge one another's Science Fair Projects. • How can students learn to utilize the discussion board of the wikispaces to post comments and provide feedback.
Framing The Session In today's session we will focus on: appropriate criteria to judge and make comments on another student’s project to utilize wikispaces to make comments and provide feedback about other student's projects
Teaching Remember... Students need some kind of instrument to fairly judge a Science Fair Project
Teaching What kind of instrument could we create for the students to use?
Teaching Virtual Science Fair Project "Water Water everywhere, but is it fit to drink?"
Teaching Guidelines for judging a Science Fair Project may include: checklist rubric point system
Guided Practice Now it is your turn to try it. Go to
Guided Practice We will look at the following projects: Which liquids evaporate faster? Pollution Prevention at School Photosynthesis and How Plants Grow
Guided Practice Extra Information for Judges: “Photosynthesis and How Plants Grow” The student needed adult help to come up with the hypothesis and the procedure “Which Liquids Evaporate Faster?” The student needed help coming up with the hypothesis
Work Time
Getting Started In prior sessions we have learned; How to set up a wikispace account How to add student’s usernames and password
Work Time We are now going to use that technology to: Discuss the Virtual Science Fair Projects using the wikispaces site
Share What would you like to share about your postings on wikispaces?
Discuss: How would posting comments to the wikispaces enhance a Virtual Science Fair?
For more information Office of Instructional Technology