Template for Science Fair Presentations Directions: Use this template to create your presentation for science fair. Fill in the information on each page based on your specific project. You can make the presentation “unique” by changing fonts, text size, colors, background, transitions, adding illustrations, pictures of you doing your experiment, and many other possible additions. Material may be moved around on the slide as you wish. But all content from the template should be present. There are tips to help you along the way indicated by a red arrow.
Type your project title here Your name Your teacher’s name Your school Science Fair Project Type your project title here Your name Your teacher’s name Your school This is your title page for the project. It may be a good idea to have a picture here of you doing your project.
Statement of the Problem Type your question here. (This is the question that your experiment answers.) In paragraph form please describe the problem or question that you tested during your experiment. You may have more then one question you wanted answered.
Research - Include between five to ten bullets of information you researched about your topic. Please select only facts that helped complete your project. Do not include reviews of websites as a bullet for this section. This was for the annotated bibliography we completed. No citing necessary on this page.
Hypothesis Write your hypothesis here. Be sure to write it as a “If…….then……because…….” statement that identifies the items being tested and expected outcomes of the experiment. You already wrote your hypothesis on the research plan you submitted. You can copy and paste it off your saved research plan here. Please review and edit it to ensure it is written correctly.
Variables Controlled variables: These are the things that are kept the same throughout your experiments. Independent variable: The one variable that you purposely change and test. Dependent variable: The measure of change observed because of the independent variable. It is important to decide how you are going to measure the change. You may bullet the controlled variable because there should be several of them. Remember complete sentences even when creating a bullet.
Materials Type a detailed list of the items you needed to complete your experiments. Be specific about the amounts used. A picture of you working with the materials may be a good idea on this page.
Procedures List all of the steps used in completing your experiment. Remember to number your steps. Add photos of your experiments. Your procedures should be detailed enough that someone else could replicate the experiment at home and get the same results to confirm the validity of the experiment.
Data Include the data you collect during the experiment. Averages are a great way to express a trend in the data. You should have an appropriate number of trials performed. Provide a brief summary of a few sentences.
Graph Make a graph using the chart feature on power point or you can a graph using excel. You can also format the graph to the right by double clicking on it (only in edit mode). If you need help with how to do this please see me.
Conclusion Type a brief summary here of what you discovered based on the data in your experiments. You need to indicate whether or not the data supports the hypothesis and explain why or why not. Include qualitative and quantitative data.
Applications Describe in detail how your experiment benefits people and the scientific community. Some of your projects might be difficult to express how they are important scientifically. You may have to describe how it is beneficial indirectly. For example cleaning pennies is obviously not important, but the removal of oxidation is beneficial to material scientists, home construction, and jewelers.
Recommendations If you had the opportunity to do the experiment over again what changes would you make? Would you test a different hypothesis? What would you test? Change materials or methods? This section is a good place to describe difficulties you had and ways to prevent them in the future.
Bibliography Include a list of all the resources you used for your project. One of the sources must be the 2017 Intel ISEF Rules Book and Guidelines. This should be done using some style of formatting such as MLA. Easybib.com is an excellent resource to help you format. You can copy and paste your five sources from your annotated bibliography here.