Student Affairs Performance Appraisal Training 2017
Lets get to the Point Who administers and collect Performance Appraisals What are the contents of a performance appraisal document Why we are required to conduct Performance Appraisals yearly Where to locate, store, and how to distribute Performance Appraisals How to conduct Performance Appraisals with the employees you supervise We should be able to answer theses questions at the end of the presentation: Who administers and collect Performance Appraisals What are the contents of a performance appraisal document Why we are required to conduct Performance Appraisals yearly Where to locate, store, and how to distribute Performance Appraisals How to conduct Performance Appraisals with the employees you supervise *Encourage employees to catalog achievements highlights throughout the year *This should be a tool; good or poor behavior/attitudes should be documented here *PA’s have consistently been the top concern of incoming employees.
Who does Performance Appraisals? Evaluation by Employee being appraised Immediate Supervisor Administrator Required once a year; could be quarterly semi-annually Who evaluates Immediate Supervisor Under the direction of more than one supervisor Supervisors coordinate but primary has duty to complete appraisal Administrator Reviews & Signs Employees Submit own account Request representative from HR to be present Right to appeal
What are the contents of a PA? Essential Functions/Responsibilities Performance Roles Team Role, Communication Role, etc. Highlights & Accomplishments Goals – Division tools – Annual Performance Docs 2017 Performance Appraisal Master (word .docx) 2017 Performance Appraisal Timeline(.pdf) 2017 Performance Review Matricies(.xlsx)
Why do we conduct PA’s Yearly Define Job Responsibilities Establish Standards to assess performance Encourage Employees to Catalog Achievements Have a current document for HR; highlighting good/poor behavior and attitudes Reason Define Job responsibilities Mutually clarify between supervisor & employee Establish standards to assess performance Develop employee to fullest potential Catalog Achievements Should be a living document that is updated frequently Required once a year; could be quarterly semi-annually
Where do we go to start this process? -Division Tools-Annual Performance Docs Box; Shared folder with individual employees and yourself If you don’t know how to do this talk to your Department Director Email your Employees; copy and paste the quoted paragraphs from the following Document Box; Shared folder with individual employees and yourself If you don’t know how to do this talk to me after Email your Employees; copy and paste the quoted paragraphs from the following Document
Where do we go to start this process? They should do the following Update their responsibilities Check that the Percentage of Time assigned to each responsibility make sure it equals 100% Add Highlights/Accomplishments under each Responsibility and Performance Role Send the document in an email to you Individuals being appraised are responsible for the following: Update their responsibilities Check that the Percentage of Time assigned to each responsibility make sure it equals 100% Add Highlights/Accomplishments under each Responsibility and Performance Role Send the document in an email to you
How do I Conduct the PA’s? After receiving the updated PA review and change document -Division Tools-Annual Performance Docs Download the Matricies file Benefit you and employee; Clear expectations Clear explanations Max, D. & Bacal R. 2011. Perfect Phrases for Performance Reviews. Madison, WI: McGraw-Hill Companies. Leadership IQ. 2014. Part 2 of 4-part series "What Great Managers Do Differently" Taking the Pain Out of Performance Reviews.
How do I Conduct the PA’s? Conduct appraisal Private location You can request to have your administrator present Highlight any changes Read your evaluation and comments to employee Address any of their concerns; refer to the matrices’ Set goals with employee and trainings;, bewell, 7 Habits, etc. Sign and deliver copy to your administrator/Suzanne Thorpe
What you now know Who administers and collect Performance Appraisals What are the contents of a performance appraisal document Why we are required to conduct Performance Appraisals yearly Where to locate, store, and how to distribute Performance Appraisals How to conduct Performance Appraisals with the employees you supervise We should be able to answer theses questions at the end of the presentation: Who administers and collect Performance Appraisals What are the contents of a performance appraisal document Why we are required to conduct Performance Appraisals yearly Where to locate, store, and how to distribute Performance Appraisals How to conduct Performance Appraisals with the employees you supervise *Encourage employees to catalog achievements highlights throughout the year *This should be a tool; good or poor behavior/attitudes should be documented here *PA’s have consistently been the top concern of incoming employees.